Chapter 4/ On purpose

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My room is VERY pink. It looks like a unicorn threw up in here. So when my aunt Mandy asks us girls if we wanted to help her cook I jumped at the idea. Anything to get me out of this room. I like blue not pink. On the way down and into the kitchen I gazed at every picture in the hall. They are all very creepy looking. Like vampires and werewolves and wars and stuff. When we finally made it to the kitchen aunt Mandy asks one of us to set the table and the other to grab a stool and stir the food she had put in the big spaghetti pot and for the other to wash the dishes and throw the trash away as we go. Stella who is thirteen said she would stir the food since she was oldest. Anna Beth said she'd pick up the trash wash the dishes AND set the table. I began to walk off a little disappointed until aunt Mandy told her that she had to pick one so that I could have something to do to. Anna Beth twisted her face into one of anger and said she didn't want to pick one so aunt Mandy said I could set the table and Anna beth could wash dishes and throw away trash since she was nine and could reach the sink on account of her long lanky legs. Aunt Mandy pulled out the plates and the glasses along with the silverware and napkins. As I began to set the table aunt Mandy came over and praised me on how well I was doing," look at you Kat.! Aren't you a big girl your Doing so good this looks beautiful. I love the way you folded the napkins. You'll get extra ice cream after dinner. Anna Beth stalked towards me like a predator after its long awaited prey then out of nowhere she pushed me down when her mom wasn't looking and said she didn't need my help that she could do it all by herself. I said," no that's okay Anna Beth I want to help" she was hearing none of that. "Listen here you little daddy killer, that's my mommy you can't have her.!" She whispered dangerously low. Ouch that hurt.! I almost started crying again. But I wanted to look tough so she wouldn't think that she scares me. Much to her bad luck aunt Mandy had just walked into the room to serve the food and I don't know if she heard the conversation but the look on her face was one of the scariest looks I've ever seen. She looks really angry. I could see why, her daughter is standing over me with her fist clenched and I'm laying on the floor holding my bruised ribs. "Anna Elizabeth I know you are not in here bullying your cousin.!" She screeched loudly. Anna looked even more angry if that was even possible and I tell you if looks could kill I'd be on my way back to mommy right about now she was shooting daggers at me. Suddenly her face changed and she put on the sweetest most sickly smile I've ever witnessed and turned to her mommy and said," no mommy of course not kat fell down because her tummy hurts I was just trying to make sure she was okay and help her up, see she's holding her tummy. What's wrong with her mommy." The look on my face must have mirrored one of horror. I looked between the two and could've peed myself out of anger when I saw aunt Mandy's face begin to soften. She believed her. She really believed her.! I can't Believe this.! Aunt Mandy grabbed me by the elbow and helped me to my feet,"you have to be more careful dear, or it will be right back to the hospital for you." Before I could get a word in she stalked off back into the kitchen. Anna Beth looked at me with pure hatred,"watch yourself bitch" she spat nastily. I couldn't Believe what I just heard. I decided to brush it off, and walked back into the kitchen to grab the glasses to finish setting the table. As I entered the kitchen I passed by the stove, everything seem to move in slow motion, before I even realize what was happening Annabeth had grabbed the hot pan from the eye on the stove and reached out and touched me with it.!! I screamed of agony as my knees fell to the floor, and my hands flew to the blistering red spot on my arm. As I peered up through my wet salty eyelashes I saw Anna beth standing there with the most evil grin she could've possibly mustered up. My aunt Mandy was down in front of me on her knees in no time trying to pry my left hand away from my right arm where the ever-growing blister was forming, "Oh dear what happen you have to be more careful Kat or someone could really get hurt, let me see it.! let me see.!" She was finally able to pull my hand away from my arm," tsk tsk tsk oh dear looks like we'll have to clean this up and wrap a bandage on it for a few days" she says examining my wound. "Aunt Mandy I was careful Anna Beth picked up the pan and touched me with it on purpose.!" "I DID NO SUCH THING YOU LIAR.!" She screeched. "Hey now enough of that there will be no name-calling, Kat I'm sure it was just an accident I'm sure she didn't mean to touch you with it" but she did and of course she was going to Believe her daughter over me this might be a lot harder than I thought it would be.

<<<<Annabeth on the side

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