Chapter 1/ Hospital

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<<<picture of Katherine

"Hahaha.! No Mommy stop it.!" I laugh hysterically as her warm fingers dig into my rib cage as if they're trying to wriggle their way up to my heart. "Stop what.?" She questions highly amused a teasing tone in her honey smooth voice. Unable to respond from lack of oxygen I just laugh harder," oh my gosh Kat what's so funny.!? I wanna laugh too.!" She says mockingly frustrated but nonetheless giggling to herself. Right then we both jump to the loud beeping sound coming from behind us "Mama.! The popcorn.!!" She quickly releases my small frame, causing me to almost fall from the cold marble countertop from where I was seated. Luckily I clench the back of my knees against the curb of the counter while pressing my tiny  feet against the cabinet underneath me and wrapping my skinny fingers underneath the counter supporting my weight before I have the chance to smack my face on the cold hard wood of our kitchen floor. My eyes snap to my mother who has snatched a gigantic popcorn bowl harshly from the cabinets above the sink. I watch intensely currently being the one of us who's amused as she tries to stop the beeping on our very large silver microwave. My look of amusement turns to one of confusion as the beeping continues. "Mom what's wrong with the microwave.?" I asked weirdly. She turns her small curvaceous frame to face me. I see her round full red colored lips moving but no sound escapes past them. Instead all I hear is the beeping that has suddenly grown louder. Everything starts to grow dark and blurred like I'm going blind. It feels as if I'm going deaf and losing my vision all at once, except that can't be right because I still hear the beeping. Soon I feel as if my eyes are closed, the beeping has subsided to a faint sound in the background. A clean smell hits my nostrils like a floor has just recently been mopped. I feel a very large rough knuckled hand in mine. Slowing I start to peel my eyes open determined to figure out what's going on. As quickly as I opened them I snapped them shut tight as possible on account of the bright light trying to steal my sight. I hesitantly reopen my heavy lids, blinking several times to let my crystal blue tired eyes adjust to what currently I can assume to be sunlight. As my vision finally clears after what seems like hours I glance down through my long dark eyelashes at my hand wrapped in warmth and see my Uncle Albert with his other hand pinching the bridge of his nose quite hard if I must say. I glance around the white room and down at my legs, I realize I'm in a hospital room and the light I was seeing earlier wasn't the sun it was some type of heat lamp sitting right above my hospital bed. As I try and move my aching legs my Uncle seems to notice that I'm awake. He's got tears pooling down his strong square jaw from his swollen bloodshot deep blue eyes. "Don't cry Uncle Albert, it's okay. What's wrong." I try and say softly but my throat feels scratchy and my voice sounds hoarse. "You don't remember sweet pea.?" He asked with worry etched into his face. I feel my face scrunch in utter confusion. Remember.? Remember what.? Suddenly the beeping on my bedside grows louder once I feel my heart start to race as it all starts coming back to me. Waking up from my sleep to learn Daddy went crazy.! He hurt mommy and he tried to hurt me. My throat hurts from screaming of fear and begging him for my life.Then I ended up hurting him and being carried away and fainting. I feel the pad of my Uncles giant thumb against my cheek as he wipes away the salty wetness I hadn't even realized was there. "It's okay sweet pea don't cry." He mocks my earlier statement. "I'll be right back okay baby.? I've got to go get the doctor so he can check on you and make sure everything's okay." I watch as my Uncles large hand slides from mine gently patting me on the head as I see his broad muscular back making it's way to the door. I lay there consumed with fear and unanswered questions. Did I kill my father.? If not is he going to be in trouble.? Is my mother okay.? If not where will I go.? Will Uncle Albert take me.? He's Daddy's brother and I was never allowed to go to his house because daddy said Uncle Alberts kids were crazy. That one of my cousins tried to hurt me when I was a baby. Even though he was only four years old. I'm seven now which makes him eleven. Would he be nicer to me.? Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted as the doctor enters my room. He glides over to me with such confidence. Then a bright smile paints itself to his strong chiseled face. "Little Katherine, how are you feeling.?" The doctors deep voice bellows out. "I feel fine I head and throat hurts though." I respond truthfully. "Well your head hurts because you hit your forehead on the floor sweetie. But I have run some test and I assure you, you're going to be just fine. Just refrain from playing any sports or being overly active on account of your bruised ribs." He warned seriously. I sucked in a sharp breath as I tried sitting up.? He continued, " There are some policemen here Kat that want you to explain everything that happen. If you're up to it that is." I inhale deeply and nod my head at him dropping my eyes to my fingers as they suddenly become the most interesting think in the world. Before I know it the door is opening and two policemen walk into the room. One a very tall male with blondish grey hair and a big fuzzy mustache. The other a small petite woman with brown hair pulled back into a very large tight bun at the nap of her neck. Her large Hazel eyes held a look of pity while her pink lips were in a slight pout. They asked me what happened and I told them everything from the point I woke up to the point of me passing out. They thanked me and began to leave when I stopped them," where is my mom and dad.?" I asked frightened all over again. "Your mother is in a better place sweetie and your dad is gone but we don't want you to feel bad about that okay.? What your daddy did was very bad and you did a good job protecting yourself." I wiped the warm tears from my face," But w-where will I stay.?" W-who will take care of me.?" It was my Uncle's turn to talk, he gestured for the policeman to carry on with their business and gave them a nod communicating to them that he's got this part. " Baby I want you to come and stay with me and your Aunt Mandy. Your Gran pa-pa and Nana are to old to look after you and there's not really anyone else unless you go across country to live with your mothers sister. She's in school though and needs to focus." I just nodded my head and let the tears fall. The doctor began to speak," Kat can go home in the morning, we just want to keep her overnight for observation and make sure she doesn't go into shock again. It'll do her good to sleep under the heat lamp tonight. I'll be back in the morning to check on her before she's discharged. Sleep well  little Kat." With that he walked out of the room shaking my uncles hand on the way. My uncle sat back beside me as I closed my eyes suddenly very aware of how tired I was. As I dosed off my last thought was ...tomorrow will be eventful!!.....and for the second time tonight I let darkness consume me welcoming it like an old friend with open arms.

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