Chapter 2/ The castle

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The sound of hushed voices right above me pulls me from my deep dreamless sleep. "Darling she has no where else to go." Says a voice as smooth as rare silk. I recognize this voice to be my Aunt Mandy. "Mandy I don't know if we should take her home, I've thought deeply about this all night....what if Jimmy gets to her again.!!?" Ummm Jimmy.? Again.? It's safe to say I'm confused. "It was an 'accident' Albert.!!" Hisses my Aunt Mandy. "We both know it's deeper than that Mandy.! That boy is mentally ill.! He's gotta be.! She was screaming at the top of her lungs as he drug your kitchen knife along her skin.!! Smiling like a psychotic person and he was only four years old.! She was just a baby.! He'll try and hurt her again I know he will." My Uncle Albert's voice said dripping with venom. They are talking about me. I have a scar on my stomach and I don't remember how it got there. Who is Jimmy.? Suddenly I'm snatched from my thoughts as my aunt Mandy smacks the side of the hospital bed." It was an ACCIDENT Albert.!! Besides you have him in the guest house all alone anyway so we just have to keep her out of the back yard." She says clearly annoyed. My Uncles voice suddenly goes very dark and husky," watch it Mandy or you'll wake her" he warns calmly. "Too late" I state as I slowly pull my eyes open thankful there are no bright lights on and the window shades are closed. "Who is Jimmy.?" I asked suddenly very curious from the horrified looks on their faces. Right as my Uncle opens his mouth to say something the door swings open and in walks the doctor. "Well how'd you sleep kitty kat.?" He asked. I visibly cringe at the nickname. "Don't call me that. My dad called me that." I spit with venom. The doctors face falls " I'm so sorry Katherine please forgive me I had no idea." He says in a rush. "I'm sorry sir. It's alright, you couldn't have known." I whisper ashamed in myself. "I just came to see how you were feeling and let you know you are being released I just need for your Uncle to fill out some papers for me if that's alright. "No problem at all" my uncle chimes in looking very relieved with the subject change." He then turns to me. "Katherine would you like to take a shower here or when we get home.?" He asked. "Home.?" I whisper reality slapping me square in the face. My parents are gone. Silent tears fall down my pink tinted cheeks. I wipe them away before anyone can notice. I guess Uncle Albert to that as a statement because he said alright and left the room following the doctor. I take this time to study Aunt Mandy's appearance. She wears a purple and white poka dotted sun dress around her tiny curvaceous frame. Her blonde hair is shoulder length and in thick round curls. She has a set of pearls around her thin neck and wrist. She's wearing a pair of black heals and way to much makeup along with the biggest forced smile I imagine she can muster up. "How are you dear.?" She says way go cheerfully. If I'm being honest I'm a bit uncomfortable at the moment but I don't tell her that I just say,"I'm fine. Thank you." We sit there in awkward silence until Uncle Albert walks back into the room with a nervous smile of his own," Alright ladies. Ready to go.?"
I watch the sick people on hospital gurneys in the hallway as in rolled towards the waiting room and past the front desk. I sit silently as the nurse rolls me into the elevator and presses the button with the number one on it. I count the floors quietly to myself as we make our way down. Soon enough we are in the front lobby and rolling right out of the front doors. Uncle Albert and Aunt Mandy are waiting out front in a Nissan Rouge. Once I'm situated in the back seat behind Aunt Mandy I lay my head against the cool glass of the cars window and watch all the buildings then trees zip by. Before I know it I'm being shaken to wake up. "Kat baby wake up we're home" my Uncle coos to me. Funny I hadn't even realized I dozed off. I open my eyes to be met with the sight of a castle in front of me. Like a real one. There are stone fountains of baby cupids and long hedges with cobbled stone walk ways and a very large castle like building. I think to myself as I walk along the pathway to the front double doors 'here might not be so bad'. When we get inside everything is so beautiful like the glass chandelier hanging in every room and the velvety carpets along the spiral staircases and down the long narrow hallways going in each direction. It's beautiful. I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts as two blonde girls stand in front of me smiling mischievously. Uh oh.

<<<<Uncle Albert on the side

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