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Lukas sat at the table with the other nations who were shouting at each other and started fighting. Vlad groaned as he watched France (Dramatically) cry about losing his son and the two idiots. Feliciano was sitting next to Ludwig and Kiku with tears in his eyes, Ludwig looked shocked that his brother was gone.

Irunya sat next to her sister Natalia with tears in her eyes. Her little brother was gone along with the other nations siblings. Natalia was angry for her big brother is somewhere she can't follow so they could be married. Ireland and Wales just sighed knowing that they will have to work double time to help the Magic trio, now duo, on bringing back the nations before anything bad could happen to them.

"OI! WILL YA ALL SHUT UP!!!" Dylan and Aaron both shouted.

Everyone froze and looked at the two UK brothers and were quiet. Ludwig nodded at the two in a silent thanks, they smirked before Aaron cleared his throat.

"Now I know that you all are Worried....Idiots.... about this whole thing but if we want them back then we all have to work together to bring them back."

"So Get your lazy bums into high gear cause we have nations to save!" Dylan shouted.

With that everyone started looking for spells to help them bring back their friends. Lukas looked at Dylan and Aaron with respect and flipped through the pages of one of his spell books. Feliciano sighed sadly as he looked at the many spells, the information was starting to hurt his head, so he began to think.

I wonder if the Time leaf was made to help someone and the Magic trio had it all wrong... I mean Matteo did say that he was scared of ships so maybe he needs to get over that fear?

The Italian turned to look at Ludwig before glancing at Lukas and Vlad before walking over to them. The nations looked up at the calm Italian and watched what he was going to to, some thought that he was going to burst into tears and blame them for everything or ask for pasta.

"Ve~ Mr. Norway, I was just thinking about that Time leaf that Matteo had and I was thinking maybe it is suppose to help one with their fears.... Since Matteo mentioned that he is scared of ships and Big Brother France said that he loved ships when he was a colony." Feliciano said.

Silence was greeted him.

"Feliciano.... I have never heard you say anything so... so... smart! That actually makes sense!" Vlad said.

Everyone nodded and the bubbly Italian smiled happily with happiness.

"Okay then lets see if we can find anything on controlling fears and hopefully this will help them!" Aaron said.

With that everyone worked harder to find the right spells to have the missing nations.


Matthew woke up with his face buried into a warm cushion, he breathed out a sigh and nuzzled it lightly. Matthew was about to drift off to sleep again when he heard chuckling, So he did what he always did.

"'O ish laughing.... shud it!" Matthew muttered and shifted a bit.

There was more laughing and Matthew opened his eyes to see that he had his face on Lovino's chest. Matthew blushed before shooting up in bed, Lovino groaned as he woke up and saw Gilbert, Ivan and Alfred looking at them with smirks.

"What did you three morons do?" He asked, sighing as he got out of bed.

Matthew had slipped away with out them noticing and when to go for a walk and clear his head. The blond didn't really like feeling weak and useless so having the hotheaded Italian see him like that and comfort him made his self a steam go lower then it already is.

"What is a young kid like you doing on a great big ship like this all alone?" a voice spoke up on the right of the Canadian.

Matthew looked over to his right and saw a man in his mid thirties, black hair slicked back with a few greys showing. The mans eyes were a deep brown against his ivory skin, Matthew noticed that he had a well tailored suit that looked new.

"I'm not alone, my brother is in our room. I just needed to get out of the cabin and get some fresh air." Matthew said.

Not really wanting the other male near him, Matthew simply looked at the sky as he walked.

"You know it isn't very lady-like to dress up in a mans outfit." The man said.

Matthew stopped walking before sending a nasty glare at the man.

"I'm a male, now will you please excuse me I would like if I could enjoy some time to myself." Matthew said before walking away fuming in anger.

The man smirked slightly.


By the time Matthew came back to the room Lovino and Ivan were sitting on the love seat while Gilbert and Alfred were talking by the balcony. Matthew huffed as he sat next to Lovino, the Italian looked at Matthew with a raised brow.

"What's got you all huffy?" Lovino asked.

"Some guy insulted me and thought that I was a 'lady' wearing a mans suit! I know that I don't have the same build as Alfred and I look younger more 'Innocent' according to Francis but having someone saying that 'It isn't very lady-like to dress in a mans outfit' just... ugh!" Matthew as angry.

Lovino patted the fuming Canadians back, Alfred and Gilbert came over after hearing what had happened with Matthew. Ivan just smiled at Matthew and patted his shoulder, Gilbert snickered slightly which was met with a swift kick to the shin. Matthew glared at the Prussian, Lovino raised his foot a bit higher and dared him to laugh at Matthew again.

"Don't worry Mattie you are not a girl and if we see the dude then we can clear things up." Alfred said.

Matthew just sighed and sunk deeper into the love seat and closed his eyes clearing his mind and focusing on his surroundings. Matthew frowned as he could feel the speed of the boat speeding up, the Canadian opened his eyes and looked at the others with worry.

"The ship is speeding up..." Matthew muttered worriedly.

Alfred knelt in front of his brother and hugged him.

"Why would they make the ship go faster? I mean it is already fast so why make it go faster? That just doesn't make any sense!" Gilbert said.

"Da, why make the ship go faster I don' see the point." Ivan said.

Alfred looked at Matthew and they nodded.

"So that Titanic can arrive early to port in America... but do to the ship's speed that means it will have a harder time to dodge the Iceberg." Matthew said.

Today is the last day of smooth sailing before the tragedy happens.


I have finished another chapter!!

They are close! It is almost time for History to repeat itself for the nations! Is Feliciano on to something about the Time leaf?? Also who is the man that Matthew ran into? Find out in the next chapter!!

Also I got a new laptop!! I am so happy!! I don't have to use my phone to update my stories! Well anyways  hope that you all liked the chapter!

until next time!!

A trip to the past: TitanicWhere stories live. Discover now