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"My name is Han Jisung. And I am, apparently, stranded on Mars... My team, NASA, everyone, probably thinks that I'm dead." He paused, looking down at the table, unseeing.

"I will be recording my progress- and failures- here, in these video journals, as a testimony to whomever it may concern. A testimony of and in preparation for the worst- and most likely scenario. My death."
A small, barely visible note in the corner of the screen caught his eye. Sol 13. Everything was fine, just the day prior. How had everything gone so wrong so fast?

Jisung reached up, switching off the camera he had been speaking to, exhaling shakily.

"Jeez, dramatic much?"

A small laugh at his own remark escaped him. It echoed around the empty survival habitat pod, sounding strained and unnatural.

Well, no one else was there to laugh at his jokes.

Better get used to it.

He sighed. How could everything have gone so wrong?

You see, it was supposed to be an easy mission.

He should have been home in time for his birthday, next month.

Now, he'd turn 24 by himself, on a desolate planet that, without his gear, could freeze him in less than half a second. All alone.

His friends were either up on the craft that had abandoned him, or home at Earth, probably mourning. Actually, scratch that. He doubted anyone was actually mourning his 'loss'.

Jisung was a human being. He, being a human, had his faults. He had regrets.
Maybe one of them outweighed all the others, but he couldn't think about that right now.

Focus. Focus on the new mission, Han Jisung.

Survival. That was his new mission.

The previous mission, (the one that, obviously, failed) was to go collect evidence of ice on Mars and bring it, and themselves, back to the safety of Earth.


Except for the part- parts- where everything went wrong.

The first thing that anyone must know, when trying to understand how everything could have failed as horribly as it did, was that they- the team working the craft, IIIRacha- were a tiny group.

Three people.

A small team for a small task.

In a group such as theirs, every member was vital in helping things run smoothly.
Meaning that everyone had to be in peak condition and ready, always.

Unfortunately for Jisung, that fateful day, Changbin had come down with more than a slight fever.

He had assured them that it was nothing, and that he could still work. That he'd taken a few asprins, and would be back to normal in a few minutes.

That was mistake number one.

Despite his obvious vertigo and lack of focus, Chan and Jisung let him do his thing. Mistake number two.
But what could they do? They needed him to be in working condition.

He had to secure the ice drill.

The job was easy. Nail down the poles holding it up and then he'd be done.

Maybe if they'd taken a break day, which they most definitely could've, they wouldn't be in the current awful situation.

Maybe Chan would've had time to check the surrounding weather conditions, had time to notice that a storm was headed their way.

Maybe Jisung wouldn't have been hit by a collapsed drill.

Maybe he could've been safe.

Needless to say that, now, he was anything but safe.
He was trapped on Mars, with little to no chance of rescue.

The young man rubbed his head, leaning back in the chair he was sitting in. The effects of the crash obviously hadn't subsided completely yet, though Jisung was not one known for his patience. He had to rest. Recuperate.

Stumbling to his bed, the exhausted astronaut all but passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Tada! New story

The chapters will vary on word count

And when I say it'll be like The Martian, I mean,,,it will be a lot like it. But the plot will branch away from the movie later on, so stay tuned

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