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Jah, Jay, and I have been devising a plan to get our girls back. We had to call members only(the gang) for our plan to pan out. Of course the person we need to carry out this plan was Ayleks. She sat there pacing back and forth.

"So y'all niggas want my to give myself up for two bitches?" She asked. She obviously wasn't listening to the plan.

"We said we will 'make the trade' and get the girls back." Jay said getting frustrated. This nigga really don't play when it comes to his sister. She looked at him with a stank face but I could tell she was feeling him.

"Okay. But what if it fails?" She asked.

"That's why we got the straps." Tank chimed with a smile on his face as he started toting the gun. He put it back in his pants fixing his shirt. I shook my head.

"Aight, So he wanna meet us by the abandoned building behind the bridge." I said going over the plan for the 100th time.

"So I'm gon show up with Ayleks." Jahseh chimed. She looked at him worried.

"Wait I thought I was gonna be with you." She said. I shook my head.

"Listen. Anyway I'm gonna be in the car. Tank and everyone else y'all gon be there is I send the text. Y'all gon be ok the bridge. He can't see y'all."I finished. They all nodded. We had a few hours before the trade so we started loading our guns.

-Time for the trade-


Ayleks and I were sitting on the hood of the car waiting for Michael to pull up while Jay and Stokes sat in the car waiting for our cue. Ayleks and I walked towards the moving car. Meeting in the middle of the two cars. He got out the car. He pulled out a black and mild lighting it and taking a pull.

"You ready to make this trade?" He asked leaning back on his car. Ayleks looked at me. I nodded.

"Y-Yeah." I said. I let go of her arm letting her walk towards him. He grabbed her wrapping his arm around her neck and pointing his gun at me. I grabbed mine pointing it at him. Before I knew it the gang was all lined up ready to fire.

"Oh *chuckles* you thought you were smart?" He says his people lining up ready to shoot.

"Bro we just want our girls back." I stated. I wasn't scared I'll shoot this nigga if I have to.

"Go get them." He pointed to one of his guys and they walked to the trunk opening it. First on I saw was YN covered in blood and tears. Then Megan they were obviously dressed in what they were taken in.

He let them go Megan running into my arms YN running to Stokes. Before I knew it the plan was in action. Ayleks reversed his gun pointing it at him and walking back with the rest of the gang pulling out her other strap from her ankle.

"I'll shoot if I have to." She said.

"Do it." Michael urges her.

"I told you I don't want you. What do you not understand?" She yells. He chuckled.

"Go 'head babe shoot." He dodged her question. She cocked the gun.

"Do it." He kept going.

"Do it."He was acting crazy.

"DO IT!"with that she fired shouting him in the chest. He fell down to the ground screaming in pain.(fucking idiot)

"The crazy thing about asking for something is that you should be happy when you get it." She remarked walking closer to him. Aiming at his head.

"Should I let him live?" She asked looking back at everyone else. This wasn't part of the plan but I guess she was over his shit. She started kicking him.

"Is this what you want pussy?!"She yelled as she swung her leg back and forth. He held his wound. We pulled her off of him. We knew he'd try something stupid like this. She walked to the car.

"Fuck you Michael." She yelled getting in. We left leaving him and his guys there to save him. As we were pulling off I held YN and Megan close to me as Stokeley drove looking in the mirror every once in a while. Ayleks on the other hand stared out the window.

Jay and I were watching as a smile grew across her face. I looked worriedly at jay as he watched her intently.


I watched as Ayleks smiled. She was acting strange.

"Yo you good?"I asked her she nodded.

"I finally got to do what I've been waiting to do for years." She said. I nodded.

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