chapter thirteen : finding out

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Third Person's POV:

Taehyung is miserable. He is currently in his room, laying on his fluffy bed. His cheeks are tainted with dried tears and his eyes red and puffy from all the crying.

He bites back a sob when he remembers a memory of them. The death of Julie effected Taehyung so much, he didn't know what to do at this momment but to cry and mourn at her death.

It was so sudden, if Taehyung answered his phone. If Taehyung just left a little bit earlier, he would still have a chance to see her one more time.

The weather is also gloomy, as it rains. The sound of rain hitting the roof and the soft breathing of Taehyung along with the occasional hiccups is the only thing you could hear at the momment.

He moves his head at the side, then he spots something on his nightstand which made him cry even more. Its was a bracelet, made with purple beads and a purple heart in the middle.

And his mind somehow recalls the momment.

"Julie?" Taehyung asks as he enters her room. He smiles when he sees her making a bracelet. She was so focused that she didn't notice Taehyung comming inside the room.

He places down the bag of food on the table and comes closer to her.

Julie's head looks up, her big eyes looking to Taehyung's brown orbs. "Hi!" She says to Taehyung with a smile.

"Hi Julie, what are you making?" Taehyung asks.

"A bracelet, for you!" Julie says as she shows the purple bracelet she made for Taehyung.

His heart swells, she was too cute and adorable. "For me?" He says, he was touched.

"Yes you of course." She says with a smile.

"Can I wear it?" Taehyung asks, he wanted to wear it, badly.

"Wait!" She says and grabs a purple heart charm from the box. She places it on with Taehyung's help (since she wasn't that strong enough).

"There you go!" She says and places the bracelet on Taehyung's left wrist. It fits well on him, his tan skin makes the bracelet more noticable which doesn't mind him.

"Why the color purple?" Taehyung asks her, he was curious. Normally people would pick other colors since Purple isn't that popular.

"Its our secret okay?" She says and Taehyung nods, his eyebrows raising up when Julie comes closer to Taehyung's ear.

"Purple means I love you." She whispers to his ear. Taehyung smiles and she giggles.

"Wheres your heart?" Taehyung asks, pointing to her bracelet.

Julie's face fell, she plays with her fingers before saying, "You really want to know?"

When Taehyung nods in reply, she sighs. " 'Cuz when I'm gone, you have my heart with you. Its a reminder that I'm still with you." She says, her eyes watering at some parts.

Taehyung fists the sheets, he then cups her chubby cheeks and looks at her eyes. "Don't say that okay? You are going to fight and if you win I will have a prize and if you don't. I'll cherish all the memories." He says, trying to fight back a sob thats making its way out.

Julie is worried, she quickly does the promise finger to Taehyung with a smile. "I promise I'll fight." She says with determination. Taehyung enterwines his pinky to hers, smiling at her positieveness.

Julie didn't fullfil her promise. It isn't fair, why would an innocent child die that way? She was doing so well and there isn't a capable answer to her death.

Taehyung sits up and grabs the bracelet, touching the purple heart charm at the middle. Tears were once again forming but it was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing.

His phones vibrates in the process, Taehyung wipes his face with his arm before looking at the contact. Taehyung's heart beat beats faster at the caller.

It was none other than Seungcheol.

He picks up his phone and accepts the call with shaky fingers. Taehyung places it to his left ear before replying, "Hello? He says, trying to sound like he didn't cry out his heart a few seconds ago.

"Taehyung I need you to come at the hospital now. Its about Julie." Seungcheol says before hanging up quickly.

Taehyung is shocked at the news. He quickly changes into a simple outfit which consist of a white button up and black jeans with his timberlands.

He gets the bracelet and wears it, he then grabs his phone and car keys before leaving his house and going to the hospital with mixed emotions.

"I hope its good news." Taehyung thinks as he drives out of the house.


"Why did you call me?" Taehyung asks as he enters the office, Seungcheol jumps in surpise at the sudden voice.

"There's something off in Julie's autopsy." He replies and Taehyung quickly goes near Seungcheol.

"Woah woah, personal space." Seungcheol comments and steps back. Taehyung pretended he didn't hear what Seungcheol said and grabs the chart from his hand.

He quickly skims the pages, his eyebrows rising up when he finds something interesting in the chart. He chews his lip, the sharp teeth biting into the soft lip.

"She didn't die from cancer." Seungcheol says, leaning on the wall with his hands crossed as he looks at Taehyung.

"From the biopsy, they found a high level of potasium in her body which is odd." Seungcheol adds.

"Wait, who ordered the autopsy?" Taehyung says, he knew that if they did an unauthorized autopsy, they could quickly say good bye to their medical careers in a snap.

"It was a girl, I didn't know her name though. She is related to Julie, and ordered an autospy and left quickly." Seungcheol says, reciting the events that happened earlier.

Taehyung nods in understanding, but something clicks in his head.

"What does she look like?" He asks, Seungcheol ponders while biting his lip in the process.

"She has black hair, she wore red lipstick and she has a mole under her eye." He says and Taehyung hums.

"Thats it?" He asks and Seungcheol nods.

"Bro, lots of things happened recently." He replies and Taehyung nods.

"I think someone placed Potassium in her dextrose." Taehyung says after being quiet for some time.

"The question is, who would kill her?" He says. Taehyung pinches the bridge of his nose in thought. Who would dare to kill an innocent child?

Taehyung doesn't know any possible suspects, since everyone is kind to her. What is more odd is how did the person sneaked in?

"Do you have any idea of who did it?" Taehyung questions Seuncheol. He shakes his head, he doesn't know anything either.

"I just hope we'll find the person soon." Seungcheol replies.

"I hope so too." Taehyung says with a sigh.


Someone is on the run, who do you think it is anyway? I want to see you guys guessing, lmaooo.

I hope this chapter isn't boring for you even if its kinda short af, atleast I tried.

Have a great day! 💜





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