chapter twenty: terror

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Just watched the Endgame, my heart broke when Tony Stark died.

I highkey wanted Stucky to happen ughhh

The followig chapters in this book are getting longer than the usual, do you like it or not?

Third Person's POV:

It's 5am and Taehyung is awake. He's a morning person, which makes him like the morning better than the night.

He sips the steaming hot coffee that he made. It has creamer since he can't stand bitter things. He scrolls on his Ipad to look at the current events.

His brother, Baekhyun is also awake. He goes outside to check the mail, he came back with 10 papers, some incased in an envelope.

"What are you doing with those?" Taehyung asks as he looks at the mail that Baekhyung is holding.

"Check them,obviously." Baekhyun replies and Taehyung gives him a glare. His brother didn't mind it and sits with Taehyung.

Taehyung went back to his Ipad while Baekhyun sorts the mail so that he can know which are important and are just advertisements.

"Yah! You have mail." Baekhyun says as he slaps the back of Taehyung's head with the envelope.

Taehyung hisses at the pain and grabs the envelope out of Baekhyun's grasp.

"Hey, open it carefully! The seal looks too good to be broken." Baekhyun points out the blue wax seal. Taehyung is blown away at the special looking envelope.

He opens the envelope slowly and pulls the letter away from its casing. Baekhyun quickly grabs the envelope and gushes on how aesthetic looking it is.

His eyes turns wide at the letter, hoping it is just a prank.

My Princess,

You look lovely while sleeping.I bet you'll look more lovely when you have my hickeys and my cum seeping from that tight ass.

See you later.

Taehyung drops the letter, his heart palpitates and his hands shake in terror. He doesn't know who sent him this and certainly they don't want Taehyung to know.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Baekhyun asks and looks at Taehyung with a worried look.

"Nothing" He quickly says and grabs the paper and shoves it in the envelope.

"What did the letter say?" Baekhyun asks curious of its content.

"Its just an invitation." Taehyung lies. Baekhyun nods and stops pushing the topic.

"Excuse me" Taehyung says and runs to his room.

When he enters his room, he slams the door shut and locks it. He squats and leans on the door.

Fear clouds his mind, he didn't know what to do with it  and he knows that his family can't handle it.

He gets up and closes his curtains, blocking the view from outside. He soon gets paranoid and starts looking around for some hidden cameras.

Taehyung might be done searching his entire room but he still doesn't feel right.

He grabs his phone from his nightstand and turns it on. He goes to his contacts and dials a number.

"I need to tell you something." He says shakily.


"Morning" Ji eun greets Jeonguk who is half awake as he goes to the kitchen.

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