chapter twenty seven : the newbie

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so wattpad became a bitch and deleted this chapter and I was so fucking scared, fortunately, I have the chapter saved in my phone.

probably the longest chapter ive ever written

warning : this chapter contains unedited work that some viewers might not like... i wrote this when it was early in the morning so please excuse my weird grammar and typos!


Third Person's POV:

Jungkook's phone vibrates in his pocket, he quickly opens his phone and smiles once he sees the text of Taehyung. It was a simple good morning, but it had a big effect on him. Yoongi scoffs at Jungkook, never in his entire life, he would expect to see the cold-hearted Jungkook turn into a softie.

"I swear to God if you don't fucking stop texting cheesy shit about last night then I won't hesitate to shoot you," Yoongi says and points the revolver to Jungkook's chest with a frown on his face. They are inside the office and they are waiting for Seung Hyun and Jong suk to come.

"Yeah yeah," Jungkook says boredly and swats the gun away like it was nothing. Yoongi just huffs and places the gun back inside his jeans pocket. He hates it when he sees other people being with their loved ones and while he is still in love with the fool.

"Sir, Bo gum is coming." Yoongi hears through the earpiece from his members. He quickly presses some buttons on the table of Jungkook to activate the soundproof in the room, so that whatever conversations they will have in the room will only stay in the room.

"Why did you even hire him Jungkook? He's an amateur at this." Yoongi complains and he places his phone down. He looks at him before saying, "Yes he's an amateur but he can hack better than Namjoon and Hoseok combined."

Yoongi would lie if he says that he's not offended at what Jungkook just said, but he will just accept it as always. Silence fills up the entire room until they hear a knock on the door. Jungkook quickly fixes himself and places on his mask, turning into the feared mafia boss in the country. He just sighs and leans on one leg, unlike Jungkook who's sitting on the leather chair.

The door opens, showing the kind of flustered Bo gum. As Yoongi expected, he looked messy with his hair all over the place. It didn't help that his outfit is messy as hell as if he was in a hurry and being in a rush isn't good at all.

"Sorry for being late" Bo gum says nervously as he plays with his hands. He looks down, scared at the reaction of the mafia boss in front of him. He couldn't believe that the biggest mafia boss in South Korea picked him out of all hackers in Korea. He should be thankful yet he is afraid at the stare he is currently receiving.

"You know, being punctual is a big rule here. I suppose you don't want to be part of the group if you are late, is it right?" Yoongi says, annoyed. He didn't like this guy at all and Jungkook must've been out of his mind when he picked him.

"N-no sir," Bo gum says and Jungkook stands up from his seat. The man walks towards Bo gum who's heart is beating fast from being so nervous.

Once Jungkook is in front of Bo gum, his stern face quickly turns into a bright smile which confuses Bo gum to the max.

"Yoongi, you need to stop being harsh with this little guy. He's new." Jungkook says and looks at Yoongi who just glares at him.

"Exactly, I need to toughen this kid up. I swear I don't want to deal with a stuttering mess." He bluntly says and folds his hands together. Jungkook rolls his eyes and brings his attention back to the newbie.

"Park Bo gum right?" he asks which Bo gum replies with a nod. Jungkook chuckles at his reaction since it reminds him of Taehyung in a weird way.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook if you don't know." He says and gives him his hand for Bo gum to shake. Cautiously, he does.

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