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It was still there.

Stiles Stilinski couldn't understand why. He couldn't understand why It was following him. But It was there, plain as daylight. It watched his every move. Even though Kira had run a sword through Its body. Even though they had caught the firefly. Even though It was supposed to be dead.

(It as in the thousand-year-old demon that had taken over his body and made him kill so many people. It as in the thing that had killed Allison and Aiden. It as in the thing he still saw in his dreams.)

It shouldn't be possible. But It was sitting there, right across him, wearing his face and wearing a huge smirk.

It wasn't supposed to be there. But It was. And apparently, he was the only one capable of seeing It.

Stiles clenched his fists under the table he was currently sitting at. Few weeks had passed since they caught the firefly. His doppelganger had appeared in the first week after Its supposed demise. And It had been making Stiles' life hell ever since.

For the past 30 minutes, Stiles had been glaring at It. But It just grinned at him in response, looking very pleased with itself.

He just wanted for It to let him be. But it didn't seem like that was an option. If he could, he'd strangle that bastard to death. He'd gladly rip the fox to pieces. But he couldn't. Because he couldn't even touch the fucking jackass. He tried. But it was like trying to catch smoke.

It seemed, as if it wasn't even real. Although, It probably wasn't. Not like anyone even saw It. He had asked the Pack, but everyone just looked at him, like if he was crazy. Scott even recommended getting his head checked. He stopped asking after that.

His fingers twitched. It followed him everywhere. It sat next to him in school, It was with him when he rode his Jeep, It sat around when he ate and It watched him sleep.

Not that he had caught any sleep since It appeared. He couldn't fall asleep. Most of times, he just fiercely glared at it, until he became so tired he fell asleep. Not like those few hours of sleep made anything better.

These past 3 weeks had him constantly tired and annoyed. He was surprised he hadn't already gone insane from it. But he was getting close. Although, he guessed seeing someone no one else saw was pretty crazy itself.

"What's the problem, Stiles?" His own voice resounded through the room.

Stiles' glare only increased in intensity. The fox knew pretty well, what was his problem.

After seeing him fume, the lazy smirk only widened. The thing, sitting across from him at the table, looked thrilled. It only made Stiles angrier. But he knew that if he started shouting - like he wanted to - it would only satisfy the demon further. It took a lot of skill, but he replied as calmly as possible.

"I don't know. Your face, probably."

Nogitsune threw Its head back and laughed. Its sick laughter made him want to throw up. He gritted his teeth. It looked back at him and smiled sweetly.

"But sweetheart, that's your face. If you have problems with your appearance, then you should probably try some make-up."

Stiles threw his hands up in frustration. "Why can't you just let me be?"

It knew that there was more to that question. They won. Why couldn't It go away? Why? Stiles wrecked his mind with these questions, ever since he had first saw It after the whole stabbing incident. And yet, Nogitsune refused to leave.

The fox's smile turned somewhat sad, almost as if It was pitying him.

"Because Stiles, this is all in your mind."

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