I Won't Say It.

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Selene's POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I gave it a death glare and eventually gained the strength to turn it off. I layed in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling when reality hit me. First of all dad was really sick. Secondly, I will have to go all the way to Jamaica to see him, and thirdly.........Michael and I kissed. When I thought about the kiss, I instantly started blushing. I couldn't help myself to be honest. Unfortunately my little 'happy high' didn't last long because I started overthinking.

"I can't do this. I can't be falling for my boss! I mean yes I had feelings for him but I can't be with him. I'm only working for him for a year and 4 months has passed. Once my contract is up, thats it for me. My feelings will be kept to myself. Maybe the kiss meant nothing. I was emotional he took advantage of that. UUGGGGHHHHH that bastard!" I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted by my ringtone. It was my mom.

"Oh great! Something else to fuck up my day. Don't I have school for this already" I said before I answered the phone.

Michael's POV

I have been awake from 2am. I know that I have alot of work to do today and I have to get an early start, but I can't sleep. I thinking about her too much. I even dreamt about her. All I could remember was that we were on the beach, hand in hand. She was so happy and I was as well.

Seeing her in that corner yesterday, crying her eyes out, really broke my heart. I really don't want to see her in that state again. I just wanted to comfort her, but instead I confessed to her and even shared a kiss with her. What was I thinking? She probably doesn't think of me that way. I'm just her boss and friend, thats it. I fall in love way too easily, and yes I just said the 'L' word. Well she did kiss me back, didn't she? I won't give up just yet.

I looked at my clock and it read 6:54am. Since Kai, my personal chef, was sick, I was on my own with cooking. I got out of bed, took a shower, then headed to the kitchen.

I think I went a little too overboard with the breakfast though. I had made waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, hot chocolate, and let's just say the list goes on. You could say this was an attempt to impress a girl, right? I mean its the thought that counts right.

As I finished washing up I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen area. Selene had an early class today and she's not really a morning person. She is probably still depressed about her father's health.

She slowly walked into the kitchen, aggressively rubbing her eyes.

" Good morning Mich- Oh my Gosh why couldn't you me that we have guests coming over!" She exclaimed. I grabbed her hand before she could sprint up the stairs .

I chuckle, "We aren't having any guests. Kai isn't here so I made breakfast." I explained.

"Michael you did not just make breakfast, you cooked the entire cupboard," she said giggling. Boy was I embarrassed.

"Its ok though, I don't mind." She said with a faint smile.

We ate in silence. It wasn't that awkward but it was weird. Was it because of yesterday? I wanted to ask her how she felt, but didn't want her to get the wrong impression. The silence began getting overwhelming. I had to say something but as I was about to, she spoke.

"So mom called me this morning and she said that the surgery went ok. Also my flight has been booked so I will be leaving in two days. I'm really sorry for the short notice though." She explained with a frown.

"Its ok. This is an emergency so I understand." I said with a smile. I'm not one of those unreasonable bosses.

"Thank you Michael. I also have to tell my lecturers about what is happening as well."

" That's a good idea," I mentioned. She nodded and gave me a half smile. I knew something was up but I never asked. She left the table, help wash the dishes and went to get ready for school. She came back downstairs within 20 minutes and reminded me of the various appointment for the then left. Well to the studio I go.

Selene's POV

I only went to school for half of the day and I'm tired as hell. I try to put the best outside but I'm physically and emotionally drained. When I got home , Michael was still at the studio. So I am the only one in this huge mansion. I stayed in my room, trying to distract myself, when my phone rang. It was my best friend Cheyanne calling.

"Heeeyyyyyy," I answered.

" Sup bitch." she reply. I chuckled

" I'm trying to survive." I said blandly.

"Lord. I am here, whats going on?" She asked.

"First of all, dad is in the hospital." I said sadly.

" Oh dear. I'm so sorry hun." She replied .

" Its ok but I'll have to stay with him for a month. " I said.

"Ok that's good." She said cheerfully.

" And also........." I went silence. I didn't how to tell her the incident between Michael and I. She is probably gonna be like 'I told you so'.

"Also what. You can't leave me hanging here." I think this girl knows exactly what I'm about to tell her.

" Well ummm.......Michael and I ummm.......kissed." I didn't want to admit it but she is my bestie so she has to know.

" Bitch what did I tell you." Oh here she goes.

"I knew something was gonna happen between you too." She stated.

" How did you know that." I enquiried.

" Girl the day you left with him, you should have seen how he was looking at you. And now I can tell you have some feelings for him." I can literally see the smirk on her face right now.

" I have no idea what you are talking about Cheyanne." I stated firmly.

" Well Da Nile is not just a river in Egypt. Just saying." She said in a sing-song voice.

"I'm denying anything. I'm telling the truth." I said bluntly.

" Whatever you say. Well I have to go now so I'll talk to you later. And I hope your dad gets better." She said.

"Thanks a lot girly. Later." I hung up the phone and dived in my bed.

I can't be falling for him. There's no way that can happen right?

HEYO READERS :3, I'm so sorry for updating sooooooo late. I have been busy with school so I don't have a lot of free time. Please bare with me. Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter :3

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