
20 4 1

// natalie //

once i got off the bus i quickly crossed the street before the red light turned green. i walked into walmart and got a basket instead of a cart. it was only a couple of things my mom wanted. i took out the list and read it once again.

fire matches, allergy medicine, rubbing alcohol, tampons, and lemons.

i go to the the medicine aisle first 'cause it's the closet. i find the allergy medicine and the rubbing alcohol and then go find the tampons. yes i'm a girl and get my monthly thing put for some reason i don't like being seen holding pads/tampons. i know it's childish but it feels weird. i walk into the feminine aisle and make sure nobody there. i grab a box of tampons and make sure nobody's looking. i put the box of tampons in the basket and go find the fire matches. while i'm walking my dad calls. finally in forever. i pick up the phone and say "hey dad".

"hey pumpkin, how are you?".

"i'm great dad, and you?"

" i'm good. where are you?"

"i'm at walmart getting some stuff for mom wanted."

"she's with you?"

"no she's with alex." i hear my dad sigh. i know he still has feelings for my mom. i mean being with someone for about 15 years is a pretty good amount of time. how could he not still love her?

"do you want to come get some lunch with me later around 1?", my dad said.

i was planning to dye my hair later but i hardly ever see my dad anymore.

"sure sounds great." , i say.

"okay see you later, bye, love you."

"bye, love you too."

my dad was the only one who ever said "i love you" to me anymore. i pass by matches and get 2 packs. i see a lighter and decide to get it for myself. i pass by the hair products and get the hair dye. i get two boxes of black hair dye with bleach for 7 dollars each. i finally pass by the fresh food stuff and get about 5 lemons. i get one of those plastic things, place it in there, and put it in the basket. i try to find the shortest line their is. i end up standing people 4 other people. while i'm waiting in line i see a black cherry kickstart and place in the basket. time passes and it's finally my turn. i look up to see the cashier and well look who it is. ashton irwin from school, the one i sat next to at lunch yesterday. he looks at me awkwardly cause of what happened yesterday. he checks out the items. "that would be 18.57", ashton said. i took out the 20 dollar bill and gave it to him. "hey look i know this is really awkward but i'm really sorry about what happened yesterday with luke and chelsea. i didn't know they were gonna do that and beside i think your great the way you are" he said. "you don't need to apologize you didn't do anything and thanks." ashton handed me my change and i left.

"wait!" i yelled hoping the bus driver would here me. it was 12:03 and i missed the bus. i sit down on the bench and start listening to music. i put my music on shuffle and bring me the horizon starts playing. someone sits next to me. i look at them and i recognize who it is. it was the girl from the bus yesterday that was wearing and 1975 shirt. the screen was unlocked so you could see what i was listen to. "i like that band." says the girl sitting next to me. i smile at her. "my names carolina", she says and takes out her hand. "natalie", i say and shake her hand. the bus finally came and i got on. i sit down and carolina ends up sitting next to me. "so what other bands you listen to?", she asked. "um, all time low, pierce the veil, arctic monkeys, blessthefall." "i like black veil brides, we came as romans, fall out boy, panic! at the disco and other bands", she said. i don't know how but we ended up talking about how band members were perfect and how much we loved them. "well my bus is coming to my stop", i tell carolina. "would you like my number?", she asked. "sure, that's fine", i say. i give her my phone. she types in her number and gives me back my phone. the bus stops. "bye", i say. "bye". I walk towards the door and get off. i walk home and see a car parked in front of my drive way. it's my dad. i walk towards his car and wave at him and he waves back. i unlock the door to my house and place the stuff inside. i walk outside, lock the door, and walk into my dad's car.

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