From those days and onward

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Since we were very young, I have watching over him just as a brother would

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Since we were very young, I have watching over him just as a brother would. He was so vibrant and full of live, what wouldn't I do just to keep him thus. 

Despite all the neglects, bullying, trials and judgement, My youngest sibling is the most kind, joyful and passionate child I ever know. 

He is My joy as he was the one who never failed to make me feel better. I revel in his mischievous and cheeky nature. He never cease to make me proud for every little thing he do and did. I dream for a future in which we could live in freedom, without caring about other's judgement and expectation. 

But twas all in the past.... 

The mortal realm is so vast, they're so overwhelming and makes one anxious. but I must to stay strong for Shi, The only one I have left. We have lost our home, parents and siblings and the world we knew.  Now We have nothing but each other to rely on.

From the way he hold unto my hand, how he seemingly trying to make himself small and hidden behind me, I know ying kong shi is frightened. I am the only solid presence he could trust and rely on, and I wish I could always provide him with the sense of safety. But the mortal realm and the mortal way of live is so foreign. Yet I could see the spark of curiosity in his eyes and it's made me feel a little glad despite everything. 

Coming from the ethereal yet subdued ice tribe, we were not familiar with the vibrancy and the vivid colours presented by the realm of mortals. I could sense ying kong shi stiffen once more often and become nervous whenever we see or approaches by the people of colours or simply by catch a sight if people wearing red clothes. 

"Ge, are they fire tribe's peoples ?"

"Ge, are they come to kill us ?"

He would ask. 

It's pains me to saw him so unsure and scared, twas not the ying kong shi I knew, I couldn't help but feel the need to protect and shelter him so. 

From what little I knew about mortals,  mortals must work to makes money, with money they could buy live necessities. 

But I have no clue as to what I must do to get a 'job' as mortals calls it. magical ability is my only talent. After taking a slow stroll and sight seeing around the market, I decided to produce ice sculptures in the shapes of animals with my magic and sold them. Twas tricky to get people interested to buy my goods, but thankfully, Ice sculpture is unusual and rare so I was able to sold them.

Hopefully we could secure a place for our permanent stay now, since we wouldn't guess how long until the war end. I want to provide My brother a sense of normalcy and safety, I wouldn't be able to achieve it without a home we can call our own.

Never before in all of My live I had ever feel this lost and disconcerted

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Never before in all of My live I had ever feel this lost and disconcerted.

not when we were forced to flee from our home. Not even when I heard the mournful cries of my sister's unicorn resounding from afar. Not even when were informed of the death of all our siblings. Nor even when all the guardians charged to see us safely to mortal realms died in the middle of duty leaving me and shi alone to find our way.

I had never been lost because up 'till now I could always felt the warmth of the small hand holding fast unto my hand, the soft quiet voice calling me, the subtle fragance of cherry blossoms that seemingly never cease to emanates from the small body stood by my side,

I had never been so lost because I always have ying kong shi to keep me grounded. the complete trust and confidence shone in shi's big round eyes whenever he looked at me never failed to give me courage.

I thought we will always together for ever....

Now the source of my courage has been taken from me,  after weeks of living in seclusion among mortals, I let myself be lulled by the false sense of security and let my guard down. I couldn't sense the presence of fire tribe's spy coming closer and closer to our dwelling.

They took shi and I have no one to blame but myself.

Not knowing how my brother faring in the hand of enemy almost driving me insane. More so with the fact that Shi's magical abilities have not fully awaken due to his young age and His knowledge in combat were less than adequate because my selfish ego wanted him to maintain his innocence a little while longer, now I came to regret my decision fretfully. If only I guide him how to cultivated his spiritual energy and train him mortal combat, shi would still be here with me. 

I feel bad for Liluo, but I couldn't put my self to rest before I have ying kong shi back. He is My world, the sole reason why I could stay sane and survive this long in this unfamiliar world. No matter how and no matter what, I must take back he who belong to me. 


Sneaking into the fire tribe army camp is not difficult, how careless they were, or so I thought. 

I cursed myself for the naivety. Of course it could only means a trap. There's no way ones could so easily snuck into an army basecamp, 

The valiant princess of fire tribe is not one to be underestimate, she is smart as she is brazen and brave. Not someone I could take down so easily especially when I knew she have my brother at her mercy. 

When I thought everything would be for naugh, Liluo came to save the day. With Her tactful and cunning way we were able to fished some information out from the enemy's princess' mouth and left the location safely. 

Princess yanda confessed that my brother no longer with them, slipping away from his captor clutches when they aren't looking. She also stated they're still looking for the boy even now as we were speaking. 

I must race against the enemy to find shi before them. But where should I start looking ? The world outside my tribe's border is so vast. 

This is where I started to take Liluo seriously, she was the one who remind me of the existence of the ice tribe's allies, we were never truly alone. As royal children we were taught many things, including the relations between the three realms. Ying kong shi is young, his lessons must be still fresh imprinted in his young memory. hopefully he is heading to one of the allies tribe to seek safety. Liluo inform me , the nearest ally we could find from our current location would be the healer tribe territory. As precaution, we go back to my home to check whether ying kong shi goes there or not before resume our plan. 

All the way, I pray earnestly for shi wellbeing and forced myself to stay optimist. Liluo stay tactful and confidently guiding me through the journey, I am truly grateful for her steadfast heart and quiet understanding despite all my moody and snappish attitudes toward her. 

Against all trials and obstacles, after a few weeks we made it to healer tribe safely. But once I catch sight of fire tribe's army stationed at the gates and many strategic spots within the tribe, the fear and worry for the only sibling I have left came unbidden. 

Once we saw the fire princess and entourage leaving the hall, we made our entrance to the tribe leader hall and requesting audience. My hope dashed though, they doesn't know about ying kong shi whereabouts nor they could offers any information about him. Not that I trusted them, I have no reason to, not when I saw how the fire tribe men walking freely inside and outside the tribes territory.. 


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