the meeting

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My thoughts were then interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I guess its time for the meeting.
As i opened the door i was very surprised to see that it was Lauren at the door. Why would she be here? Is she the one taking me to the meeting?
"Can i come in?" My thoughts were interrupted by her question. "Of course, come in" i replied trying to hide the excitement in my voice. Once she was in the room she sat down on the edge of the bed and tapped the space near her for me to come sit down. When i was seated i turned to her only to find her already looking at me. "So... Why are you here? It's not that i don't want you to be here cuz i do. I mean that i would be honered that you entered my room, but i don't know if you being here is good or bad. Did i do something bad? Oh god i hope-" my rambling was cut of by her giggle. God that giggle could be the death of me. "Relax Camz I'm just here to make sure you're fine. Also, i wanted to talk to you about the girl you were talking to at breakfast."
"Oh, yeah ok... Umm I'm fine. But what about her?" She was quit for a while i think she was debating on what to say." Do you like her? Like if we didn't work would you date her? Should I be jealous of what's her face? Who is she anyway?" Lauren finally spoke well more like asked. Camila chuckled a bit at the girls obvious nervousness,"She is my ex actually and no you shouldn't be jealous of Lucy. Although I am curious as to why she was acting as if she never knew me. Did she really erase me completely from her mind? It couldn't be that easy i mean we dated for almost 2 years." Camila confessed curiosity taking over. Lauren was relieved that she didn't have to worry about the other girl, after all she was hosting a competition not competing in one. However, she was just as curious as Camila was when it came to Lucy acting as if she didn't know the girl, but she ignored ot for now and focused on Camila. The two continued talking about everything and anything until it was finally time for the meeting. Lauren had already told her servants that she would be taking Camila so there was no need for anyone to do that. Lauren and Camila both headed to the meeting together and walked in together. Camila was so nervous she didn't know who was gonna be at the meeting or what they would think of her. She didn't even know what the meeting was about for Christ's sake.  Lauren on the other hand wasn't nervous at all. She was happy. Actually happy was a very general description of what she was feeling at the moment. As she walked in to the court room alongside Camila she smiled broadly. She spotted her mom and walked over to sit next to her,but not before she wispred in Camila's ear," Don't be nervous it's nothing just discussing what's gonna happen next. Oh! And don't forget to address me as Princess Lauren while we're here." And with that she walked towards her mother and sat next to her. Camila was relieved when Lauren spoke to her. She nodded when Lauren told her to address her formally and then headed to take a seat next to the rest of the contestants. After a few minutes all the contestants arrived and the meeting had finally begun. The Queen stood up to adress the contestants, "Good Morning contestants. We have called you in for a meeting today to address what is going to be going on for the next to weeks." She spoke in a loud confident voice that demanded that everybody listens, "As you all know in the next two weeks each of you will be going out on two dates with princess Lauren, however what you don't know is that you could be out of the competition at any second. After the first date only 4 of you will stay these for people will be announced in 10 days. They are chosen by the princess based on what happens throughout your date with her. If she liked the date than you will be continuing in the competition, if she didn't like the date than you will be out. Each contestant will be assigned a specific day for their date with the princess. You will be going to the mall later on today to shop for whatever you may need for that date. You will also pick up the princess fro her room for the date at 7 p.m." The queen informed us and we all nodded in understanding. The Queen then took a seat and Lauren stood up to speak," Thank you mother. As the Queen mentioned each of you will be assigned a day for our date. Here are the days: Lucy, you will be taking me out tommorow. Jay you will be taking me out on the 9th of July. Edward on tbe 10th , Brooklyn on the 11th, Amanda on the 12th , Dinah on the 13th, Joe on the 14th, David on the 15th, Sara on the 16th, and Karla on the 17th." And with that we left the meeting and headed to our rooms.

Ok i know i suck cuz its been way to long but life took place. I will try to update as much as possible but I can't promise anything. Until next time.
P.S. if you have any suggestions or any questions please comment or message me.

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