#ForeverFightingAnimalTesting Continues

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I recon they do

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I recon they do.

So, what do you say? Shocked.

But no. You're not going to do anything about it are you? Because these are your favourite chocolate and sweets and no your hair couldn't live without that product. Because yes, like the animals, you'll totally die without nice looking eye lashes.

Maybe I should show you what you can do about this issue. First of all, I think the biggest problem is awarness. Barely anybody knows anything about this issue, and that's my mission. I want to raise awareness of this issue so more people can act.

So your aware. And you've tagged as many people as possible here. You've used the hashtag. You've added the stickers. Everybody you know has read this article and is aware. What can they do now?

They can download this cruelty cutter app. This allows you to scan products before you buy them to check if they test on animals.

And then as simple as that, don't buy them. If you don't directly fund the companies and maybe even send them a letter or email about it they'll start to realise that they'll loose money if they don't stop.

It's as simple as that. Make a change and it could effect thousands of animals lives, animals just like your pets, if you have some. Animals no different to you, with equal rights to live.

So go on. If I haven't convinced you leave now and forget everything. But you'll be killing loads of animals if you do. Just warning you.

So go on. Tell me if you believe me or not.

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