Cone In 60 Seconds

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3rd Point Of View
As Melody is listing to her headphones Owen comes running in with a piggy bank with her nodding to the rhyme of the music as she feels someone tapping her shoulder.

She turns around to see Bridgette as she smiles and goes outside with her as they are playing on the swings as they see Owen cheering around the playground as they go up to him.

Melody: "Dude are you okay!"

Jude: "Yeah your joy meter in overdrive"

Owen: "Because it's my favourite season ever!!!! chocolate Ice cream season!"

Melody's eyes light up in excitement as she cheers along with Owen as the two of them share a fist bump causing Duncan to growl lightly before going over to her.

Duncan: "Hey melody why are you so excited did you finally get Gwen to smile?"

Melody: "Nah that was last Friday no it's Ice Cream season well chocolate ice cream season according to Owen but when that Ice cream truck comes I'm getting a mixture of flavours!!!"

Duncan ruffles his friend's hair as she smirks at him until they hear a familiar sound as they jump over a hedge to see a grumpy cat riding a skateboard with a radio playing the ice cream jingle.

Melody: "Hi Bob!!"

The cat smiles at her and heads off as they all jump back into the daycare again. Duncan looks shocked at Melody as she begins waiting for the ice cream truck.

Melody: "Oh man I cannot wait to eat that delicious frozen treat already wait how long has it been I'm freaking out!!!!!"

Harold: "Only 10 seconds geez!!"

Melody rocks back and forth on the floor excitedly along with Owen as they hold each other in excitement with Duncan laughing at them.

*Cuts to Duncan in the Playroom*

Duncan: "Okay every time the ice cream truck comes round our street Luna always gets the best toppings out off all the kids and by that I mean she has a different combination each time how amazing is that?!!"

*Cuts back to Owen and Melody*

Melody's Point Of View
As we both heard the sweet melody of the ice cream truck I immediately cheered along with Owen but I went first as the lady noticed me as she sighed and cracked her knuckles together.

MacArthur: "Alright listen here girly I've heard about you from the other ice cream truckers that you are a legend when it comes to the ice cream business so bring it I'm ready!!"

Everyone gasped as I removed my sunglasses confidently and threw them behind me not knowing that Duncan caught them and smirked at me.

Me: *Clears Throat* "Give me a Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Bubblegum and Carmel ice cream with every topping you have!!"

MacArthur: *Gasps* "I will not let you down girly!!! Bring it on!!!"

She started very quickly to make the ice cream as I waited patiently and smiled at my sister and Bridgette as they looked in awe as the ice cream lady finished it and it was... beautiful.

Me: *Gives her 20 Dollars* "Keep the change sweetheart!"

I started eating it as she saluted at me and Owen started licking the Ice cream cone on the truck.

Duncan came over to me and I shared my ice cream masterpiece with him as we both enjoyed it together as Owen tried to eat the garbage can.

I felt bad for him as I only had 50 cents left but I gave it to him as he tightly hugged me to my grave and dropped me onto the ground.

Me: "Worth it!!!"

Time Skip
So Owen finally had enough money for an ice cream and right before he got his well deserved treat the ice cream lady drove off as it was 2:00 on the dot.

Owen went crazy claiming he could see ice cream everywhere. Noah asked us all to help him out of course I offered to drive one of our vehicles.

Owen: "Wow Melody you can drive?"

Me: "Nope!! But it's basically like a video game right! Now let's get you your ice cream Wahoo!!"

I stepped on the pedal and drove onto the road with Gwen following me as everyone except Duncan was screaming in terror as he was cheering and begged me to go faster..... which I did.

We managed to catch up to the ice cream truck but she was dodging us and trying to get rid of us but I still managed to catch up to her as the cat from before finally made her stop.

Owen finally got his ice cream cone which made me proud of him until it fell onto the ground but he still eat it in the ground.

Me: "Awesome Dude you did it now come on I want to drive this baby again!!!"

Duncan: "Ooh Yeah but this time go twice as fast!!"

Everyone: "NOOO!!!!"

We went slow on our way back to the daycare as Duncan was beside me but I didn't realise he was staring at me the while time. I looked at him and smiled as we finally made it back in time for Chef to check on us.

Chef: "Melody, Gwen time for you two to go!!"

Me and Gwen gathered our stuff as we made our way to the car. As I was about to get in I heard Owen coming out as he hugged me before heading back inside as Gwen rolled his eyes at Owen before smiling at me as we headed home ready for the next day.

A/n:Hey guys sorry this took me so long to upload. I hope you enjoyed this episode bye for now!!

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