Sharing Is Caring

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3rd Point Of View
Melody runs through the door with excitement as she backflips into the playroom with Owen and Jude giving her a ten with Duncan giving her a heart before quickly changing it to a 20.

Jude: "Wow what's with the flips dude!!" 

Melody: "I can't help it Jude It's show and tell day and I get show everyone what I brought in!!!!"

Owen: "Ooh can we get a sneak peak please!!!"

Melody: "Sorry Owen as much as I would love to be able to show you I can't for the very sake of the universe"

Just then the cat clock rings as everyone rushes to the carpet with Duncan and Bridgette sitting next to Melody.

Chef: "Okay kids you know what time it is"

Owen: "Yay Lunch time!"

Owen eats his lunch while also giving Melody a cookie as she splits it in half and gives it to Duncan and Bridgette.

Bridgette: "Thanks Mel!"

Melody smiles as Chef announces it's time for Show and Tell which the kids cheer as Owen puts his cookies from his mouth back in the bag.

Chef shudders in disgust as Duncan and Melody silently chuckle and fist bump one another.

Chef: "Okay today's show and tellers are Beth and Melody who wants to go first!"

Melody: "Beth can go first I'm still preparing mine take it away Beth you got this!!"

Beth: "Thanks Mel here is a collection of things stuck in my nose!!"

Everyone looks away except for Melody as she look in awe. 

Chef: "Eww okay that's enough!"

Melody: "Give us a demonstration!!!"

Everyone: "NO!!!!" 

Chef: "Okay Melody it's your turn what did you bring in?" 

Melody sits up and stand in front of everyone and pulls out her headphones as everyone looks in awe.

Melody: "Okay these are my special headphones that are so cool when I hit this button you can listen to the music I'm hearing as well and when I hit this button Chef can you please hit the lights for just a second!"

Chef hits the lights and Melody's Headphones glow causing everyone except Courtney as she rolls her eyes as the lights come back on. 

Beth: "Wow Mel those are awesome can I try them on!!!"

Bridgette: "No Me!!!!!!"

Jude: "Come on let me have a go!!!"

Chef picks up Melody as the children surround her and sets her outside before closing the door but before he can talk to the children the phone rings for him and he goes to his office.

*Cuts To Melody on the swings*

Melody: "I hope nobody gets into a fight over my special headphones in fact I don't even let Gwen at them!"

Cuts Back To The Playground

Melody is in the treehouse with her headphones in drawing a beach with a sunset with Jude and Beth trying to sneak up behind her but fail as she turns around and dodges them and goes down the slide.

Melody: "Wahoo!!!"

Melody lands on the swings and walks back inside again to get a snack but she sees Duncan sitting in the timeout corner alone. Melody smiles at him as she plugs her headphones into Chef's speakers and as the music plays she starts dancing with Duncan smiling at her. 

Melody: "Come on Duncan dance with me!!!"

Duncan: "Oh I would but whoa!!!"

Melody grabs him from the corner and spins him as he smirks and dances with Melody as they both smile and lightly blush at each other. 

During the dance most of the kids come inside to try and grab Melody's headphones but stop when they see Duncan dancing with her until the music suddenly stops.  The kids gasp as Courtney holds Melody's headphones in a smirk of triumph but Chef comes out and grabs Melody's headphones off of Courtney and gives them back to Melody.

Time Skip

Near the end of the day Duncan says goodbye to Melody but before she goes Melody runs up to Duncan and hugs him as he responds to it with no hesitation with all the children looking at them and awing at them as Melody waves goodbye with a smile on her face.

End Of Sharing Is Caring 

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