January 3rd // 2015

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//I miss you – Blink 182//

January 3rd // 2015             

Juliet’s POV

My mind was set on the falling white flakes outside.  My eyes were set on the white substance in lines on the desk in front of me.

My tiny frail fingers were holding on tight to the one hundred dollar bill that was placed in my pocket.

My trembling hands rolled up the paper that meant so much to other citizens of the town I live in. As my nose touched the tip and I leant down ready to sniff the empowering drug I have learned to love.

My concentration is broken by the blunt ring of my ever lonely phone. I decided to let it ring still craving the deathly powder lined in front of me.  It is only when an unknown voice speaks through my answering machine that I stop in my tracks.

“Hello Juliet, this is Officer Danny Mclean from the HRI Correctional Institution. I’m just calling to remind you that Ashton Irwin is due for release in 3 days and he needs someone to pick him up. I wouldn’t bother you if it weren’t absolutely necessary, but this was the only number he would write down. I’ve been trying to reach you for a couple-“

“Hello, uh, this is Juliet. What time does he need to be picked up?” My frantic voice interrupts picking up the phone. A sudden high washes over me, a high that I could never get from a drug.

“Anytime around 3pm on Saturday.”

“I’ll be there.” I hang up the phone abruptly. Staring down at the addictive drug I no longer needed, I unroll the bill in my hands, shoving it back into my pocket.

January 6th // 2015

Ashton’s POV

A very hairy guard pulled me forward by my hand cuffs, eager to be rid of me. Another guard, less hairy, waits for me at the front the reception desk, jingling at me before unlocking the restraints from my wrist.

“Here, get changed into this.” the first guard orders handing me a bag of my old clothes.

I do as instructed and change on the spot. My white t-shirt barely fits over my shoulders. I had gained a lot of muscle in prison, there wasn’t much to do. I definitely no longer had the body of a sixteen year old.

I take a seat against a window, looking over to HRI parking lot. The only cars parked were three police cars and a blue minivan. Grey clouds cover the skies of Blackmill, a place I will now have learn to remember.

“Lucky for you, they are saying that all the snowing has stop and only blue skies are ahead,” the less hairy guard nudges to me.

My eye’s still continue searching for any sign her, my Juliet.

A car pulls up beside the minivan, a silver Mercedes Benz with dark tinted windows. Still no sign of her or my red beat down truck.

A thin girl hops out of the expensive car. Her straightened shoulder length platinum blonde hair stays still, fighting the strong winds flying over her head. Still no sign of my Juliet and her long, thick dirty blonde hair.

The heels on her feet prove difficult for her to walk in, her slender figure leans to try and stop her visibly frail self from being blown over by the wind. The skin that isn’t covered by her outfit, consisting of a tight black dress and a silver blazer, is pale and bones are easily visible. No sign of my jumper-loving Juliet anywhere.

The girl marches up the stairs towards the desk. She doesn’t take one glance at me after she whips off her sunglasses that were hiding her big brown eyes, although they don’t glow quite like they used to.

She starts talking to one of the guards, she shows him some sort of card and then continues talking to him ignoring the fact that my humanity is lying directly in her grasp.

“Juliet.” I stand up staring directly at her. She turns around slightly, eyeing me up and down. Then as if I had never spoken she continues talk to the guard, signing a bit of paper before announcing her departure.

Her heels click down the stairs and I know I’m supposed to follow her but I can’t make me feet move. It’s as if my body is glued to the chair, my mind not able to consider the fact that the girl whom I had loved for so long, is now a stranger to me.

“Well, are you gonna leave? Or would you prefer to stay here?” the hairy guard chuckles, standing to accompany me to the door.

“No, I’m going.” I say dully.

It takes all the strength I have to pick myself up from the chair and carry myself downstairs. I wrinkle my nose disgust at strength of shine packed into this one car. My hand clutches the passenger seat door handle.

“Wipe your feet before you get in.” She stares at me blankly.


“Wipe your feet.” She repeats herself if it was an ordinary thing to do.

“On what?”

“I don’t care just don’t, just don’t get into this car with dirty feet,” She picks up her black IPhone and starts typing away. I ignore her request, popping in the car making sure to rub my shoes on the carpet, “Don’t aspect me to talk to you for the rest of the night.”  

With that she placed her sunglasses on the tip of her nose and pushed them until they sat correctly on her face.

“How are you?” I try to make conversation, she responds by turning up the radio.

“Have you talked to your dad?” I try again. She hums with the song on the radio, tunning me out.

“C’mon Juliet, I’m fucking trying here!” I yell, bringing my hands down onto the dashboard. She doesn’t even flinch but changes the radio station.

“Say something Juliet, anything” No words come from her mouth. “Fine, I wanted the other radio station anyway.” I change the radio stations back to annoy her. Her red handbag lays in the back seat and I turn around to dig inside it. It’ll annoy her, plus I’ve been craving cigarettes for three years. My fingers instead clasp around a small glass vile full of white powder. Knowing exactly what it is, I put it back in her bag and decide to keep my mouth shut for now, my fingers still searching for the cigarettes After grabbing what I was actually looking for, I pull my hand out of her bag and sit facing to gate again.

Taking a cigarette out of the packet and placing it between my lips, I grab her lighter from the glove box, lighting it swiftly and throwing it back in. I turn up the radio and drum my fingertips on the dashboard loudly, and by the look on Juliet’s face, very annoyingly.

“What did you do to your hair, Juliet?” I yell over the music, flicking my cigarette butt on her leather seat.

“Shut up Ashton, just shut up!” She screams, before turning down the music. “I don’t want to be here, and the only reason I am is because no one else in this goddamn town gives a fuck about you. Got it?”

“Where’s my truck?” I ask her. She pulls over.

“Get the fuck out.” She says, hands on the steering wheel, gaze in front of her. Blood dribbles out of her nose and down her lip.

“Juliet?” I grab a hold of her fragile cheeks “you’re bleeding.”


AN so yasssssss

So basically if you’re a bit confused this story flicks through different years!

We are thinking about updating every four days or so?

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Instagrams - @georgia.hill @lotus.roberts and @ashtnnirwin xx

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