January 4th // 2010

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//An Encounter – The 1975//

January 4th // 2010

The cold winter’s breeze brushed over Juliet’s lips as she read out loud the book placed in her hand for the trees to hear. Her long thick dirty blonde hair was tucked away in her black jumper. She balanced herself on a fallen tree and walked across the frozen river. She carried herself through the snowy forest, her mind was too lost in her book for her to realise which direction she came from. She took no notice to her lost presence as she continued walking with her head deep into the book.

Ashton carried his rifle in his jeans looking for the perfect animal to hunt. His hands made acquaintance to every tree he passed. Minutes ticked by and he had still not gained sight of a creature. His mind lingers on the thought of giving into the dare his friends had set him up to do but he stops the nonsense and continues looking. Hearing a noise to the left of him, Ashton crouches behind the nearest tree and prepares himself and his borrowed gun to shoot the suspected animal behind the bush. The bush makes a sound once more and Ashton quickly aims his firearm at it. Two rabbits hop out from behind the bush right into Ashton’s view. His already heavy breathing increases in pace. His finger twitches over the trigger.

 “Stop, stop!” The passing girl walks in front of his weapon “Are you kidding? You were going to shoot a family of rabbits?”

“Holy shit!” Ashton cries, “I almost shot you! Are you stupid?”

“Like you were going to shoot those rabbits?” She raises one eyebrow at him “Why do you want to shoot an innocent animal?”

“It’s not like it was my idea! It was a dare,” he informs her as she takes a cautious step to the gun still pointed in her direction. He flinches as she lifts her hand to the tip of the dangerous object in his hands.

“Give me the gun,” She whispers as he slowly lowers it, “hand it over.”

“No.” he forces swinging the gun away from her grasp.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s mine and I have a dare to complete.”

“What’s wrong with you?” She says, sighing at his stubbornness. She takes another step closer so she can again attempt to grab the rifle from his shaking hands.

“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” He says, through gritted teeth, his knuckles becoming white as his grip on the gun increases, “what I do in my own time is none of your business.”

They both had been too caught up in the arguing to realize how close the distance of their faces were. When Juliet decided not to react to his words, it only took a second for Ashton to look up and discover their close proximity.  

“Sorry.” Was all Ashton had to say to the girl right in front of his eyes. He let go of his gun chucking it on the ground by his feet. By now the rabbits had hopped away.

“Its fine” Juliet says, “you’re right, it’s none of my business.”

“Ashton, Ashton Irwin.” He smiles revealing his dimples, extending his hand towards her.

“Juliet” She replies, looking him in the eyes and taking his hand “I live right up in those hills, we just moved here.”

“Oh well, I’ve lived here for most of my life,” Ashton was quite a lot taller than her. When he looked down at her his eyes landed at the top of her head, tracing down her long dirty blonde hair that ended just above her hips “I like your hair.”

“Thank you, I’ve actually been meaning to get it cut” Juliet grabs the dead ends of her fluffy hair, inspecting it.

“Don’t.” His eyebrows knit together lightly as he watches the girl, whom is completely unfazed by his answer.

“So, Ashton Irwin, what is there to do for fun around here?” A small smirk plays on her lips, her hair back in its original position.

Before he could answer, a distant cry for Juliet could be heard.

“Shit, that’s my mum. I should probably be off.” She fixes herself up before turning away from the curious boy she had just met.

“I guess I’ll have to show you around tomorrow?” Ashton tugs at her hand lightly making her look over her shoulder to face him briefly. “Same time, same place?”

“Well I guess we’ll just have to see about that Ashton Irwin.”

His eyes trail up and down Juliet’s body as it slowly fades from his sight. They both left the forest that afternoon, oblivious to the consequences of this first meeting.


AN hey guys,

many more chapters to come ((much longer))

Please be warned that this will be very sexual and very dark fan fiction. Sexually explicit scenes, language and drug use will feature throughout this story.

Anyways save, vote and comment because it means a lot to us! Xx

Love Georgia and Lotus.

Instagrams - @georgia.hill and @lotus.roberts  

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