This is War (Valyria)

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My last few minutes in Winterfell that were not spent ensuring that I was ready to ride into war, were not spent with my family, but instead I sat in the Godswood. When I was young, Father always used to tell me that I was the most devout follower of the Old Gods of the Forest that he had ever met. He was not necesarily wrong about me being a follower of the Old Gods, but I did not always come here to pray, but instead to relax or calm down.

Now I was in the camp that had recently been set up in The Neck. Robb wanted me to go to some war meeting, but I had no interest in it. However, he told me that if I wanted to fight then I had to go. Like he could stop me from joining the war if I really wanted to.

No one had found out that Theon and I slept together, but he would make me lust after him whenever we had a moment alone. Then, even though he could take me again, he left me wanting him. He knew what he did to me and enjoyed my reaction.

As I walked into the war tent, everyone turned to stare at me. Theon smirked at me as I sat down across from him and placed the dagger that had been in my hand, on the table. Many eyes fell on the dagger, but no one reached for it or told me to take it off the table.

Robb nodded at me as Roose Bolton then walked in. Now everyone was here. There was the Greatjon Umber, Rickard Karstark, Lady Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover, Lord Halys Hornwood, Lord Medger Cerwyn, Lord Rodrik Ryswell, Lord Helman Tallhart and Brandon Tallhart. Brandon had his eyes on my dagger as soon as he saw it and I could see he was nervous.

When I looked around, I noticed that no one was wearing enough armor to be ready if we were to come under attack right now. Some Lords only had their one sword, too. They were fools for not being ready and I was ashamed that Robb was one of them.

I did not say anything, as I knew it would cause an argument. Brandon Tallhart looked out of the tent and watched someone. When I followed his gaze, I found Mother and Ser Rodrik walking over. Mother carried herself with such confidence that everyone stopped to watch her.

"Mother!" Robb called, standing up and going to hug her.

"You look well," Mother told Robb, before shooting me a glare that no one missed. "Valyria, I hoped that you were still in King's Landing and locked up."

"Hello Valyria, my eldest daughter," I said, pretending to be my mother. "You look more beautiful than ever. I have missed you and Robb very much. I hope you are well."

"Lady Catelyn, you are a welcome sight in these troubled times," the Greatjon told her, so no one could say anything about my remarks. "We had not thought to meet you here, my Lady."

"I had not thought to be here," Mother admitted. "I would speak with my son alone. I know that you will forgive me, my Lords."

Everyone slowly started to rise from the chairs, as did I. Greatjon Umber was clearly impatient with us all, as he gave us all an exasperated look.

"You heard her!" He snapped. "Move your asses! Come on, out. You too, Greyjoy. Are you bloody deaf."

"Have no fear, my Lady," Rickard Karstark told Mother. "We will shove our swords up Tywin Lannister's bunghole and then it is on to the Red Keep to free Ned."

"You old devil, Rickard," Mother said, as she had to be polite.

Before I exited, I hesitated at the tent door, but Robb was not even paying attention to me. Now he was too busy greeting our bitch of a mother. I wanted to stay there, but she would scream at me and I did not know if I could take it right now.

With an annoyed and disgusted look, I turned on my heel and walked out of the tent. Theon was waiting for me, but I stormed past him and went straight to my tent. Steel and Ice came to greet me and I lightly passed my hand over their heads then kept walking.

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