Weaknesses (Valyria)

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Everyone watched me as I stormed through the camp. Alton Lannister had informed us that Cersei had torn up our peace terms and did not even bother to read them. Robb and I had expected that, so there was no surprise there. Now Alton was sitting in a cell with Jaime, his cousin.

Talisa Maegyr, the medic who Robb was taken a liking too, was the reason I was storming around the camp. Steel and Ice were in my tent, so I went to get them. As I approached Robb's tent, I saw he was still talking to Talisa.

She was pretty and kind, but I was not going to allow Robb to betray Lord Frey for her. She was not that pretty. We needed those men and I knew first hand that love could blind. I had not seen Theon for who he really was because of love.

Roose Bolton seemed to notice my exasperation, as he walked over to me. Steel and Ice growled a bit, but I pet them so they would calm down and stop growling. When Steel and Ice growl at people for what seems like no reason, I become worried. Direwolves are not dumb.

"She is pretty," Roose stated. "Is that what has got you worried?"

"Medics do not worry me," I told him. "I do not share my worries unless I am sure I can trust someone. It would do you well to remember that. Now, if you excuse me, I will have to interrupt my brother."

I walked away from Roose Bolton and my direwolves followed me quickly. Robb and Talisa were still talking when I walked up to them and the conversation did not end as I stood there. Patience was not something I had learned as a child and it was wearing thin right now.

Talisa was shorter than Robb with tan skin, brown hair and brown eyes. She was dirty from healing all of the men she had attented to. Or, at least trying to heal them. She was pretty, but not that pretty. Robb seemed infatuated with her and I wanted nothing more than to pull him back to now.

"I am so sorry to interrupt you two, but I really must speak to my brother," I said, finally interrupting them. "It is of high importance. A letter from Hunter has arrived."

Robb shot me an annoyed look and then turned back to Talisa. I threw my arms up in the air to display how exasperated I was, but Robb did not care. I rolled my eyes, turned on my heel and then stalked off, even more annoyed that before.

Roose Bolton snickered as I walked past him and I made sure to slam my boot into his foot. He started to curse as I walked off, still annoyed and angry. I did not laugh or even smirk, I was that... Frustrated. It was the only word for how I felt.

Steel and Ice had both run off to chase a few birds or something, so I let them go. They were dangerous and they were certainly not pets. You can tame a dog and make it your own, you can become friends with a wolf but not control it and with dragons you can only hope.

There were rumors that Daenerys Targaryen had dragons and there was no reason not to believe they were true. If I was the last shape-shifter than dragons could easily be back. Bran and Jon had abilities that greenseers do, but Bran's were much more powerful.

I walked down to the river and sat by the water. Ice and Steel bounded over, their muzzles covered in the blood of the birds they had undoubtedly killed and eaten. At least they did not bring the birds as a form of gifts.

Steel laid down on my lap, thinking she was still a pup. Ice did the same and both of them moved close together. I pet them both and listened to their panting. Ice still had white-grey fur and Steel's was the colour of the metal she was named after.

The water was clear and pretty. If you really looked, you could see the fish swimming in the water. The way that the water moved was elegant, fast, swift and dangerous. For those who could not swim well enough, they would be swept away and would surely drown.

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