Wake (Hunter)

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As I pried my eyes open, I saw bright white light. I wanted to shut my eyes again, but I did not want to go back to sleep. At least not until I knew where I was and what had happened. I also wanted to know what happened and I needed to see Renly.

My eyes were finally adjusting and I could hear people saying my name as I woke up a bit more. When I looked around, I saw Allister Ellwood and two squires. Lancel Lannister was also in the corner of the room, but he got up and hurried out when he saw that I was awake.

When I tried to push myself up, a sharp pain shot through my side. I swore, but still managed to sit up. I could remember all of what happened, even as I was about to pass out. Renly was riding and he came with an army of men, but then I got stabbed in the side.

"Hunter, how are you feeling?" Allister asked me.

When I looked at the young Lord, I realized that he was probably twenty now. I could be twenty as well or it could be my birthday. I did not know the day or the time or what had happened, but I did know that I was in my chambers in the Red Keep, so that was a start.

"Fine," I insisted. "What day is it? How long have I been out."

"You have been unconscious for a week and a half," Allister informed me. "It is Tuesday now. At least, that's how long I have been told you were out for."

My door swung open and some old man stalked in. He looked generally angry for no reason and had a badge with the symbol of the Hand of the King on his doublet. His hair was white and his blue eyes just radiated anger and power. I could see no hint of a smile on his face and his skin was not tan or pale, but sort of wrinkled.

The only name that came to my mind was Tywin Lannister, so it must be him. Soon after he walked in, I saw Cersei hesitate near the door. She was waved away by her father, who still seemed really angry and I had no clue why. Maybe he was just a naturally angry-looking person.

"Lord Baratheon, how are you feeling?" Tywin questioned. "Does your wound still ache?"

"I am fine, my Lord," I told him, forcing myself to sit up. "My wound still hurts, but all wounds do. Even the healed ones. I just want to see Renly and ask him where the fuck he has been."

Tywin and Allister both seemed surprised by my choice of words, but they also exchanged a concerned look. I saw it and began to worry. Why were they concerned? What did they not want to tell me?

"It was really Loras Tyrell," Allister informed me. "Their strategy was to confuse the Baratheon troops by making them think that their old king was still alive. In fact, it worked quite well."

"So he is still dead," I said, resting against the back of my bed. "Well, I wish to be about, if that is alright with you all."

"Dress yourself and then meet me in the new Small Council chambers," Tywin commanded, calmly. "I do believe that Allister knows where it has moved to. If you need anything, send for Maester Pycelle and myself."

Tywin Lannister walked back out of my chambers, shutting the door behind himself. I got out of bed with a little pain, but not too much. I could definitely take it as it was not that bad. When Robert had beat me that time, it was much worse than this.

I carefully walked over to my dresser and Allister faced the wall. I dressed while keeping my eyes on Lord Allister Ellwood, as I was worried that he would look at me. However, I took my eyes off him to look at my wound. It had been cleaned and stitched up, so it was healing nicely.

Once dressed, Allister wordlessly lead me to the new council chambers. When we arrived, he left with a quick goodbye. I assumed he was here for a reason other than to check up on me, so it did not offend me at all.

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