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A"Victor!" Alfred cried.

"Oh, it's good to see you're awake," Kao smiled.

"What were you guys so worried about?" Mystery asked, looking down at his body which was covered in bandages.

"Oh... right."

He suddenly felt very ashamed for what he had done. Perhaps he deserved to be injured, but Alfred and Kao certainly did not.

"Mystery?" Alfred questioned softly, "are you alright?"

"Erm... I'm sorry you guys, I was an idiot like always. I should've just gone the speed limit. Or at least I should have stopped when the cops came around. I'm always acting so childish."

"Mystery, it's fine. I should've known that you were like that when you're in a hurry, but I let you drive anyway," Alfred said.

"Hey," Kao lit up, "if it makes you feel better, while you guys were still blacked out, I went to McDonald's and got breakfast like we originally planned!"

Alfred and Mystery smiled.

"That's great Kao!"

"Yeah! Thanks!"

"Hehe, no problem guys!" Kao smiled, flattered that the others were so thankful.

Twenty minutes had passed as they enjoyed the food, talking happily about nothing in particular.

This is not what I had in mind, but hey, Kao thought to himself, this day was still awesome!

"Kao?" Mystery said quietly, bringing the other out of his thoughts.

"H-huh? Oh, what is it Mystery?"

"Thanks for keeping things positive... even though I screwed up."

"Oh," Kao reassured him, "you didn't screw up... I'm sure that you couldn't help what happened."

Mystery smiled, Alfred observing the two with a similar expression.

There was a knock on the door before it opened, everyone in the room turning to see who it was. The nurse walked in with her clipboard, writing something down with her pen.

"Kao, your time is up," she said.

Kao looked up at Mystery and then at Alfred. He smiled as brightly as always, causing the other two to smile back in response; They just couldn't resist.

"Well, bye... I had a great time with both of you."

"I had a great time with you too, Kao," Mystery beamed.

"I did too," Alfred chimed in.

They hesitantly looked at each other for a moment. With a sigh, Kao finally left the room, waving back to the others as he departed. The nurse-led him to the exit, and he walked out into the parking lot.

He noticed Stranger standing near his car, seeming as though he was waiting for someone. He pulled his hoodie over his head, trying to be discrete. He shoved his hands into his pockets, staring at the ground. He tried to walk by as casually as possible and luckily was able to escape to the subway station before Stranger even had a chance to glance in his direction.

Kao waited for the train to come and quickly rushed inside. He sat down and unlocked his phone, playing some random games he had installed on it. Someone sat down in the seat next to him, but he didn't dare look up to see who it was. Until that person spoke.

"Kao, is that you?"

He glanced up, recognizing the voice.

"Oh hey Yuki," he smiled, "how's it been?"

"Great! Ever since I left that bastard..." She mumbled the last part bitterly, hoping that Kao didn't overhear.

"Bastard? What bastard?" He asked.


She didn't respond.

"Yuki, tell me," Kao pressed.


"...oh, right. I forgot you guys broke up," he whispered apologetically.

"Yeah," Yuki bit her lip. "How's Mystery?" She asked, trying to change the subject. It was still too soon to talk about her ex, it hurt too much.

"Umm..." Kao hesitated, "he's not the best, but he's alive."

"Huh? Did he do something stupid?" Yuki tilted her head.

Kao let out a laugh but quickly silenced himself.

"You could say that."

Now Yuki was curious. She narrowed her eyes and asked, "What did he do?"

"Well... Alfred, Mystery, and I were all in the car. We were driving to McDonald's to get breakfast, but they stop serving it at eleven..."

Yuki nodded slowly, letting Kao continue.

"Mystery being Mystery, he was driving over the speed limit and the cops started following behind us. He didn't stop, I guess he must have panicked when he heard the sirens. Then we crashed into a tree... Alfred and Mystery got injured pretty badly, but Mystery was the worst..."

Yuki frowned, "How about you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little scratch," Kao pointed to where a piece of glass had left a scar on his skin.

"Well, I'm just glad you're all okay."

Kao blinked slowly, "I thought you hated Alfred now."

"Maybe I do, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to care about him, even if he... cheated on me," Yuki responded quietly.

"Oh, okay," Kao said, dropping the uncomfortable topic. "How is Shai?"

"She's alright, even though she hasn't answered my texts for two days now. I'm starting to worry."

"I'm sure she's fine. Besides, that's how young adults are... or is she still a teen? Either way."

Yuki smiled. She hadn't realized how long they had been talking until they arrived at her stop.

"Well, bye Kao, it was nice seeing you. I hope we can talk again sometime soon," she put a hand on his shoulder as she stood up to leave.

"It was nice to see you as well!" He grinned.

She began to walk away but suddenly remembered something. She ran back hastily.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Please say 'get better soon' to Mystery for me."

"Okay, I will," Kao nodded, watching Yuki exit the subway.

Now he was alone again, which made him feel a bit sad. He was already beginning to miss the company.

I wonder how Rex is, he thought to himself.

He grabbed his phone and opened his text messages.

Hey Rex, how are you feeling?

Hi Kao, I'm fine I guess.

I can tell when you're upset.

Would it make you feel better if I came to visit?

Sure, if you want.

Great! See you there.

The bus stopped and Kao got off. He was relieved to get out of the station, not liking how dirty the place had been. He decided to walk the rest of the way to Rex's house, mostly because he was almost out of money and couldn't afford to take a taxi. After about thirty minutes, he finally arrived. He knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

"Coming!" A voice called from inside before footsteps could be heard approaching.

Rex opened the door.

"Hey, Kao."

End of Chapter 13

Words- 1100

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now