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Mystery- what are you doing here?

Mystery said kind of pissed.

Alfred- um w-well I...

Mystery rolled his eyes and then looked away, ignoring Alfred. Alfred felt his eyes watering and took a deep breath.

Alfred- Mystery I want you back

Mystery looks down not wanting to hear any of this. He looks back at Alfred.

Mystery- and why's that?

Alfred sighed

Alfred- because I love you and miss you

Mystery deeply chuckled

Mystery- why don't we talk outside? Seems like this is gonna get interesting

Alfred nodded slowly now uncertain. Mystery got up and walked towards the exit. Alfred followed along. When they were outside, it was raining and the moon shines bright. Alfred noticed no one was out, the cars were parked only, and some driving by. Mystery and Alfred were now alone, making the Shibu blush now that he thought about it.

Mystery- I got a question for you Freddy~

Alfred gulped

Alfred-  yeah?

Mystery- why do you care about me? Why are you interested in me? What do you see in me? When all I've done is hurt you 

Alfred- well...I would say you're a lovable man who would help me with my problems when no one did. You usually make me feel safe and at home. I guess what I'm trying to say, you are "the one". Sounds cliche, I know buts how I see and feel about you...

Mystery heads suddenly hurt as if someone threw a rock at the back of his head. Those words sounded familiar, like something he read before. A note. Handed to him...

Mystery- huh...I still don't know why you do, but Alfred I abused you. I made your life hell..why love me for that?

Alfred- Because I know you wouldn't have done that if you'd remembered who you were. A good man and a wonderful boyfriend

Alfred couldn't help himself anymore and hugged Mystery tightly as tears streamed down. The feline gave a shocked look on his face. Alfred had missed this, the feeling of warmth and embrace. Mystery remembered this feeling very well. The day when he came back from a meeting.


Mystery needed to go on an important meeting if he wanted to keep the burn's fashion company going. Which meant he had to leave for a month. Alfred got very disappointed, not wanting his boss/lover to leave. Kao and Rex gave him company. This made Alfred slightly better.

After a week passed, Alfred was drinking tea in the living room. Enjoying the warmth going through his body. Mystery had finished the meeting and went back home and missed Alfred with his cute face. Mystery knocked on the door since he forgot to bring his keys. Alfred Ears went up and put his tea on the table near the couch.

Alfred opened the door and gasp, seeing the one he'd miss the most. He hugged Mystery tightly and the feline would hug back. Alfred missed Mystery so much as tears streamed down. Mystery loved this feeling, he missed the little Shibu badly.

Alfred- I missed you so damn much! Please don't leave me alone that long ever again!!

Mystery kissed Alfred's forehead gently

Mystery- don't worry Freddy, I won't


Mystery tears formed and hugged Alfred back. Alfred eye's widened. A smile formed on Shibu's face and was finally met with happiness. Alfred faced Mystery and then kissed him deeply. Mystery blushed and kissed back.

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now