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Request by, CarnoRaptor123 thanks for helping!

The week was finally over and Mystery had to owe Alfred. By going on a date, which is camp.  Kao and Rex were also going to camp, without noticing Alfred and Mystery were going as well. The weather was perfect and no wild animals were going to be near by. Mystery and Alfred had to get pack and ready in the morning.

They were tiered but ready and Mystery had to pack all the stuff and drive. Alfred did nothing since Mystery had to owe him.

Mystery- Common Freddy! Mystery can't do this all himself

Mystery needed to carry their basket's but whined for help. Alfred just sat in the car seat.

Alfred- no can do Jeremy!

Mystery- why??

Alfred- you know exactly why!

Mystery just rolled his eyes and pulled out his tongue out like a four year old. Alfred just smirked, watching how cute this was, for once he felt sadistic. Mystery open the back of the car and threw their stuff in. He fell to the ground, all tiered and not wanting to do this anymore.

Alfred- common Mystery! No time to waste!~

Mystery- ugh, whatever..

Alfred giggled to this as Mystery slowly got up and walked to the the car.


Mystery droved off and Alfred was just in his phone, looking at social media. It been an hour now and Alfred was getting bored, until a idea popped out of his head. He grinned at Mystery then slowly put his hand on Mystery crotch. Causing Mystery to moan.

Mystery- ah!~ A-Alfred stop~

Alfred- but I'm so bored~

Alfred started to put his hand in Mystery boxer, stroking his cock hard, leaving Mystery a moaning mess.

Mystery- nya ha~ p-please Alfred, I'm drivin- AH~

Mystery suddenly came full of pleasure. Alfred stopped and took his hand out, full with semen then licked it. Mystery blushed massively while huffing.

Alfred- well that was fun~

Mystery- s-shut up Al...

Alfred just chuckled. Mystery almost made it to the camp called "Camp.Wend" and Alfred had just fallen asleep after half an hour later. Mystery was relief, for once he didn't feel horny for Alfred, just wanted to relax with him instead. He was stressed from work and just wasn't in the mood for that kind of stuff. A relaxing sleep or a nice day out to just enjoy some quality time with with his boyfriend would've been nice.


It was the afternoon and Mystery finally made it to "Camp.Wend". He glanced at Alfred who is still asleep, Mystery grinned how cute Alfred sleeps, not wanting to wake him up. But in the other hand he wanted to get pay back for not helping at least a bit. He decided to get pay back by scaring Alfred. He grinned wider as he got close enough to make Alfred hear.

Mystery- hey Alfred~

Mystery says playfully as Alfred muffled a bit. Mystery giggled quitely, ready whatever he was going to say.


Alfred- WHAT!? WHERE!?!

Alfred jumped up, all nervous and sweaty. Mystery burst out of laughter how Alfred reacted and Alfred grumbled with a glare.

Alfred- what the hell was that for Mystery!?

Mystery- pay back, that's what

Alfred- for what?

Mystery- for not helping Mystery

Alfred- psh whatever Jeremy..

Mystery giggled before he spoke

Mystery- come on Freddy, I was just playing with you (for a reason)

Alfred- fine...where are we anyways?

Alfred says, looking out the window. There were many pine trees and some small mammles around, healthy grass, many plants, there was even a mountain while the water was streaming down on it. Alfred never seen an amazing, peaceful place like this.

Mystery- at "Camp.Wend"! What do you think?

Alfred- looks amazing out there

Alfred said with satisfaction.

Mystery- I knew you'd love it! Now come on, we don't want to waist time like this

Mystery said, getting excited.

Alfred- your right!

They both got out, full with excitement, ready whatever comes in their way. The feline and the Shiba got their stuff out and set them. Rex and Kao had their stuff done. They were playing tag like little kids until Rex fell. Kao gave a hand and Rex took it.

He took the dust off him before thanking Kao.

Rex- thanks Mystery

Rex eye's widden what he just said


Rex-I mean, Kao!


Rex- N-No! Of course not sweetie! I just want you

Kao looks away

Kao- I don't believe you..

Rex- what do you mean you don't believe me!?

Kao looks back with enrage


Rex was offense and his eye's started getting watery.

Rex- Kao please... I would never do this to you

Kao- oh yeah? Well do want to know why I brought you here?

Rex- b-because you wanted time for u-us?

Kao- NO! The reason why I wanted to bring you here was because this!

Kao pulled out a picture of Mystery and there was a heart around him. Rex was shocked, he didn't even know how Kao found that picture.

Rex- Kao it's not what you think!

Kao- I thought someone actually loved me for once...turn's out, all of it was a lie

Rex- Kao please, let me explain!

Kao- explain what!?! More shitty crap than just thinking about Mystery all over again!?

Kao wing's came out with anger and Rex started to get scared. He ran away, not ready to deal with Kao.

Kao- where they heck are you going!?

Rex didn't want to answer he just kept running. Mystery was running in the woods, Alfred was drunk and Mystery knows Alfred would be so horny and stupid. It all started by Mystery letting the mutt drink, but just a little. Alfred over did it and now was drunk. Before Alfred could even search Mystery, he passed out on the grass.

Rex and Mystery were both running now. The demon hedgehog running away from his enrage boyfriend. The feline running away from his drunken boyfriend. They both were not ready to deal with this today. Until they crashed to each other hard. Mostly because of Rex horns.

That's when it happened. Mystery lost his memory which made him forget Alfred and his love history together.....

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now