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Mystery slowly woke up from his comma. It was blurry and he only saw something\someone who's Brown and a little red. After a few blinking, he finally saw clearly. Realizing it was Rex and Alfred. Alfred was sitting next to Rex, in silence.

Alfred looked up and noticed Mystery, awake. Then wagged his tail. He stood and ran up to Mystery. Alfred hugged him tightly as salty tears formed through his eyes. Leaving Mystery shock and wierded out.

Alfred- I thought I lost you!

Rex just smiled, he had a broken horn by the damage Mystery and Rex bumping to each other, hard. Mystery pushed Alfred away, leaving to the dog shock.

Alfred- Jeremy?

Mystery glared, he hated that name

Mystery- don't call Mystery that..

Mystery said sternly, Rex stopped smiling and they just stared blankly.

Alfred- oh..sorry

Mystery eye's widened

Mystery- since were you so nice to Mystery?

Alfred paused for a moment. He try to figure out why Mystery was acting like this.

Alfred- Mystery, you do know we're dating, right?

Mystery laughed at this statement. Not believing it's true.

Mystery- HAHA! You and me, dating!? Hah! Not a chance!

Alfred just stood quite as more tears drip down. Rex came up to Alfred, rubbing his back, gently. To comfort him. Mystery noticed Rex as his tail started to wag and slightly started blushing.

Mystery- Rexy Boo!~

Rex turned to Mystery

Rex-  Oh...hey Mystery..

He said sort of disappointed

Mystery- what's wrong?

Rex glared at Mystery, not believing what he just said.

Rex- are you freaking serious!?

Mystery shook a bit, getting a little scared.

Mystery- what!? Did I say something wrong?

Rex- You just hurt Alfred feelings! Your own boyfriend!

Mystery- He's not my boyfriend!

Alfred got hurt what he'd just heard. He was getting furious and depressed. The Doctor knocked on the door before coming in

Doctor- is everything okay?

Alfred clenched his fist and snapped


Alfred yelled wanting to hurt something or someone. Rex ran up to Alfred, calming him down. Usually Kao would be there for Alfred. But Kao was full with enrage that he didn't want to deal with stuff.

Mystery and the doctor stood quite until Alfred calmed down... Once Alfred calmed down the Doctor started to talk. Telling them the results.

Doctor- I'm sorry Mr. Brown but apparently Mr. Burns lost some of his memory. Which can no longer what you guys had.

Alfred- W-What?

The doctor looks down

Doctor- The hedgehog hit Mystery a little to hard with his horn. Which caused Mystery to bleed badly and losing his memory. The hedgehog only lost one of his horns. It'll grow back and Mr. Burn's will have to try to remember what he had, at least.

Can't Stop Thinking About You (Alstery)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now