so i guess i gotta stay now •••

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:flashback:Chan and Jeongin snuck off into the forest surrounding a small camp they were staying at

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Chan and Jeongin snuck off into the forest surrounding a small camp they were staying at. They had wandered off when they grew bored of waiting for their fathers meeting to be over. They were both in their earlier years and Chan had just become of age to begin his royal training.
"It's not fair!" Chan growled as he kicked the gravel under his feet. "Royal training is boring and I never get to go outside anymore. I don't want to be king."
Jeongin lowered himself from the air he occupied to look into Chan's eyes. "Why? What if it's fun?" Jeongin inquired. "Do our dads seem like they're having~ fun?" Chan retorted. "B-but we'll get to go to fancy parties together! We could hang out whenever we wanted, and maybe even see some hum-" However, Jeongins' fantasy was cut short when he bumped headfirst into a tree. "Ow!" He yelled. He whined as he rubbed the back of his head. Chan rushed over to him and pulled him from the air and into a hug. He rubbed his hand in Jeongins' hair until he found the spot he had hit. He checked for any bumps before leaning down and kissing Jeongins' head. "All better." Chan said softly. He seemed to have calmed down from his previously rising temper. Chan and Jeongin sat at the base of the tree with Jeongin between Chan's legs. Jeongin gazed at the ever lightening sky with his head tucked under Chan's jaw. They'd never been outside this early in the morning. They were usually asleep. Jeongin sleepily tucked himself farther into Chan. Chan wrapped his arms protectively around his small frame and whispered into his ear. "So pretty." Chan said. Jeongin felt the warm sun rays dancing across his skin and adored the warmth they gave him. "Yeah. The sun feels nice. I wish we could see it more often." Jeongin replied. Chan chuckled. "Who said I was talking about the sun?" He said playfully. Jeongin blushed and hid his face in Chan's shirt. "You're so embarrassing!" Jeongin complained. They cuddled for a while longer until Chan noticed something was off. His ears perked up from his head and picked up dozens of footprints marching toward them. Their were also voices yelling in a language he did not understand.
Jeongin looked up and saw the fear growing in Chan's eyes, but that soon turned into determination. "Let's go!" Chan whispered. Jeongin morphed into a small bat while Chan transformed into a wolf pup. Jeongin wrapped himself around Chans' neck as Chan began sprinting back towards their camp. Jeongin squeezed Chan tightly. He was afraid.
They returned in full daylight to be met with tired and angered parents. "Where were you?" Chan's mother asked worriedly. Jeongin's mother didn't spare him a second glance. She scoffed and went back inside. Probably to get her 'beauty' sleep. Chan's mother smacked Chan's cheek lightly and scolded him for staying out so late. Chan held his head and listed to his mothers words. Jeongin often wished he'd get half as much attention as Chan got. Chan was loved and cared for while Jeongin was an after thought. Jeongin decided to head to bed. As he approached the door to his family's cabin, he heard loud voices shouting. He couldn't understand them, but Jeongin knew they didn't hold kindness. Jeongin turned around to see Chan running towards him. "Jeongin run!" Chan yelled. Chan hugged Jeongin lovingly and kissed his cheek. "Promise you'll find me." Jeongin whispered. Chan sighed and stroked Jeongins smooth skin. "I'll always find you. I'm not going to leave you behind." Chan reassured.
Chan's hand abruptly left Jeongins' face when his father shoved Chan to the ground. "What is this?" He yelled accusingly. Chan groaned on the ground. He wasn't getting up. The footsteps grew louder and people shouted and screamed. "I don't have time for this!" Jeongins' father yelled. He grabbed Jeongin roughly by the arm and lifted him into the air. "Channie!" Jeongin cried as he desperately reached for him. Chan struggled to raise his hand out and acknowledge Jeongins' cries. "Don't...cry!" Chan yelled. Jeongin shook his head and started wiping his tears on his shirt. Jeongin looked ahead of Chan and saw something that would scar him for life. Humans. They were storming the camp with fire and fury. And they were getting closer to Chan. "Hyung! Watch out!" He yelled from the air, but soon Jeongins' view of Chan was obscured and the trees censored the violence from his innocent eyes. "No!" Jeongin screamed. His father wacked the back of his head with his hand. He wasn't gentle. "Shut up, you brat." He said with venom on his tongue. Jeongin whispered and tried to contain his emotions. "You're lucky if I don't drop you and leave you to fend for yourself. You're nothing but a waste of space." He added. Jeongin was silent until they reached their castle. He was thrown roughly onto the cobblestone ground and left outside. He flew up to his window and climbed into his room. He cried for days and didn't leave his room. He wasn't upset at the harsh reality his father had thrown at him, he was upset that Chan wasn't with him. He was upset because he didn't know if he was okay or if he'd ever see him again. His sadness turned into resentment toward his father. He hated his father for shoving Chan so roughly that he couldn't get up. He hated that his father left him for dead when the humans declared war on them. He loathed his father. He would trade his father to have Chan back in a heartbeat.
During the war, many casualties occurred and devastated all parties involved. Jeongin never left the castle. He saw no point. Chan was dead and his father was a sociopathic piece of shit. Jeongin grew close to his nanny's and staff, but aside from them, he had zero interaction with any other living beings.
Jeongin had planned to rule the kingdom with Chan by his side, but now he could never have that.
:flashback close:
A/N: thoughts so far? 👀

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