part 2

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You woke up at five AM and couldn't get back to sleep might have something to do with the fact you didn't get changed no one else was awake so you got up and headed towards the door "Where are you going (Y/N)?" Alan asked as you were about to leave

"I didn't think anyone was awake sorry" you asked

"I have the hearing of a wolf you think you could sneak past me" he said

"That actually sounds horrible not a moment of quiet for you huh" you said

"You have no idea" he said as you left another hour passed before you found the cafeteria There was barely anyone there which makes perfect sense because of how early it was you were surprised to see at one table was Ruby you sat next to her

"Morning Ruby" you said

"morning" she said

"Good morning both of you" Black said as she randomly appeared Infront of you.

"How long ago did you get up Black" you asked

"I never went to bed I don't normally sleep" she said

"But you were in your bed when I got up explain that" you said confused she gave you a smile

"Did you seriously fall for the pillow under the blanket trick" she asked before disappearing

"that's a limited resource are you sure you should be wasting it" You asked but it appears she was already gone you turned to face Ruby only to see her grab a cookie out of her pocket and eat it

"isn't it a bit early for that young lady" you said to her she just ignored you. You heard a cry for help "what could that be" you said as you got up to investigate there was a guy holding a rabbit Faunus by her ears there were three others with him "gentlemen it's a bit early for violence isn't it how about we be civilized" he just scoffed so you did what felt right and punched him in the face he looked like he was going to say something so you hit him again he went to strike back but a hand appeared and blocked it after the hands owner appeared Black

"Four VS one hardly sounds fair how about we even it out a little" Black said before roundhouse kicking him in the face knocking him out cold the other three grabbed him and dragged him away

"Th-thanks" the girl said with a scared stutter

"No problem" you said "what's your name" you asked

"V-Velvet" she said

"I'm (Y/N)" you said holding your hand out to her

"And I am leaving call if you need help" Black said before walking away totally visible this time

"Thanks again" she said before running off once you got back to the canteen Ruby was there still eating cookies the rest of team RWBY had shown up as well along with Scar and Alan they were all talking so you sat down and joined them you got to know team RWBY a bit better After breakfast was over you had a lesson with miss Goodwitch the usual stuff that would happen at a school after a while she chose two people to train against each over

"Cardin Winchester come up here" she said the guy that was bullying Velvet came up "and (Y/N) (L/N) come fight Cardin" she said

"Well, isn't this a funny coincidence" you said as you got up when you stepped into the arena Cardin grabbed a mace and stared at you with rage in his eyes you grabbed your swords

"And begin" the teacher said Cardin charged at you and you parried his attack easily and kicked his shin then knocked him onto the floor

"what's wrong outmatched already" you mocked it took a while before Cardin managed to hit you the hit knocked you over, He stood above you

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