part 1

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"we're so proud of you son heading off to Beacon to become a huntsman" your mother said as she grabbed one of your bags

"Knock those Grimm dead son" your dad said

"If only your sister could make it" your mum said

"yeah" you said sadly your twin sister disappeared without a trace a few years ago before she left, she gave you a set of dual blades they were her weapons the two swords had different designs to them and didn't match for some reason

"we'll call you whenever we can ok" your dad said you nodded you gave your parents a hug before leaving you went straight to the airship to beacon "Here we go" you said to yourself as you hoped on board it didn't take long for you to arrive at beacon "OK let's do this" you said as you hoped off the airship "I wonder what sort of people will be on my team" you thought to yourself you didn't really know anyone so who it could be was a mystery

"Hi is this your first year to" a voice said you turned around to see a girl with black hair and red tips standing there

"Yes, it is my first year" you said to her confused that someone would approach you that easily but happy anyway

"My name is Ruby" she said holding out her hand

"My name is (Y/N)" you said shaking her hand you had a good feeling about this girl "do you mind if I stick with you" you asked

"Not at all" she said looking your way so she was not paying attention to the girl with white hair who she bumped into the one and only Weiss Schnee her parents own a major dust company when they bumped Weiss dropped a vile of dust on the pavement causing an explosion Ruby and Weiss got into a fight over it you decided that it was not your place to but in you saw a boy with blond hair vomiting into a rubbish bin you went over to him

"Are you OK" you asked

"Yeah, I am fine" he said between vomiting

"Are you sure" you asked not believing him

"No, motion sickness" he replied

"what's your name" you asked

"Jaune, Jaune Arc rolls right off the tongue lady's love it" he said as if he had been practising in the front of the mirror for an hour

"Looks like the same can be said about your breakfast minus the lady's loving it bit" you said

"Well, I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" you said

"Wait (Y/N) (L/N) the same (Y/N) (L/N) that used to be on every Pumpkin Peat's cereal box" he asked

"Sigh yes that was me didn't last long my cousin over through me the next month" you said Weiss had stormed off by the time you finished talking and Ruby came over to the two of you the three of you walked around Beacon for a bit since you were on the fist of multiple airships you had a while before the headmaster would address the students you made small talk for a while like where you came from what you are going to do after graduating that sort of stuff "so you guys are clearly here to become hunters what do you plan on well hunting with" you asked

"Well, I have this sword and a shield" Jaune said sounding ashamed that he didn't have anything cooler

"I don't have anything really cool just this" Ruby said as she grabbed a black box that was strapped to her back it transformed into a massive scythe it almost hit you in the face as it unfolded

"Wow be careful with that thing" you said

"sorry" Ruby said "this is my scythe crescent rose it's also a high-powered sniper rifle" she said reloading it

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