part 8

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(Y/N) point of veiw

"Great we are all here now" you said once the last of the group arived
"why is everyone yelling" Yang yelled as she came out the shelter "o hay guys good to see ya" she said once she saw that everyone else was there
"now everyone is here we can figure out how to get back to beacon" Velvet said.
"wait you had evedice on a USB do you still have it" Blake asked you just pulled a smashed pile of plastic and wiers out of your pocket and showed them
"well that sucks" Coco said
"how will we get back anyway Yang is hurt and Coco has a broken leg" Weiss said
"mayby we wait here for a serch party to come and rescue us" you sugested
"that would probably be best" Ruby said everyone nodded at the plan after a few hours nothing happened
"I have a idea" you said you created a SOS out of water on the ground no one really listened to what you said or noticed the SOS after a while of waiting you could here engines in the distance "I here something" you yelled and shure enough three air shipss came into veiw
"Yes finally" Weiss said as she started waving at it
"Stop" was all you said
"Why" she asked
They dont take three heavily armed attack ships to rescue a group of students" you said two more came into veiw "everyone into the forest... are attackers have shown themselves" you said as a missile whizzed past and crashed into some trees the group of you ran into the forest yatsu and fox carried Coco you could here gun fire and explosions happening around you you cought a glimpse of a sympol painted onto the side of the ship it was that of the white fang "dont these morons ever give up" you said to yourself
"weres a giant Nevermore when you need one" you hered Yang say that gave you an idea
"Scar what is the limit to your illusions" you asked
"What are you thinking" he asked
"Nevermore" you replied
"I can make that work" he said
"is it possible for it to appear on there radars" you asked
"I need to know were there radars are for that" he said as a giant Nevermore swooped past one of the ships
"make it look like its being hit" you said
"Thats not me" he said as a giant theather went straight through the cokpit of an air ship causing it to go out of control and crashe into a nother one
"dead witnesses say nothing" you said as you ran over to the wreak the air ship exploded knocking you back
"I think there dead" Alan said
"theres still three more ships" as you said that the nevermore destroyed a nother ship
"really" he said the nevermore grabed onto a nother air ship
"stop killing the witnesses" you yelled at the nevermore it looked in your direction and crushed the air ship in its claws and threw it in your direction it blew up in front of you "why did i have to open my mouth" you asked it began to swoop ignoring the trees it was plowing in to you ran at it and once it was low enough you jumped onto it stabing it in the neck everyone else began there onslaught it was a direct hit from a missile that blew its head all over the place the last thing you remember was flying from the blast then sudden impact before it fading into darkness when you woke up you were at Beacon Ozpin was sitting there drinking ccoffe
"That was a nasty hit you took"
"how did you find us" you asked
"a cat fanus came and said that your ship crashed and we saw your SOS and came" he said you noticed everyone else was also in the room
"ok" you said when ozpin menchend a cat fanus Blake started to blush "Blake is something wrong" you asked curiously
"n-no I am fine" she said
"ok" you said to her response even though you could tell she was lieing "how are Yang and Coco" you asked
"there fine" Ozpin said as he sat a coffe on the bedside table for you "3 weeks was long enough for them to recover" he said you spat coffe every were
"I was out for 3 weeks" you said
"4 actually" he said "dont worry your team would have written notes for you in class
"were we supposed to wriye notes" you hered Alan ask when you were allowed to leave you went to your dorm and layed there to think after a bit someone knoked on the door "come in" you yelled Velvet came in and sat on the edge of your bed
"are you ok" she asked
"I am fine just thinking" you said
"ok" she said she gave you a kiss on the forehead then started going to the door
"Velvet wait" you said she turned arund to look at you "if it has been 4 weeks that means the dace is comeing up so do you want to go with me" you asked she nodded and the two of you left togeather after a bit of walking she left to do something you went to see the others Blake Ruby Yang and a red haired girl that seemed farmiliar to you were talking in the cafeteria "hi" you said
"hi" she said back as soon as you hered her voice you figured out who it was
"Pyrrha it has been so long I didnt reconise you" you said
"wait (Y/N)" she said
"you two know each over" Ruby asked
"pyrrha is my cousin" you explained
"so this is a family reunion for you two" Blake asked
"yes pretty much" you said.
"why didnt you tell me you started at becon or call me or somthing its been so long" Pyrrha asked punching you In the arm you laughed at her reaction but pyrrha was strong and it actually hurt
"you changed your number thats why" you said Velvet walked into the room when she saw how friendly Pyrrha was to you she cept close to your side and cept kissing you and would give the acasional glare at Pyrrha
"no need to be jelous Velvet Pyrrha is my cousin" you whispered in her ear when you noticed the glares
"o ok sorry" she said she went and apologiesed to Pyrrha while you and Yang talked after a while Blake's scroll went off
"I have to go bye" she said running out the room
"I wonder what happened" Ruby said

Blake point of veiw

You were in the cafeteria when your scroll went off you looked at it

you me dance what do you say

love Neko

you left the room and went to the cliff side to answer back you and Neko had a little text conforsation

Blake: how on remnant do you know my number?

Neko: phone book

Blake: stalker

Neko: I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the dance with me

Blake: ok I will go with you... do you even go to Beac9n?

Blake: *Beacon

Neko: nope

Blake: bye

Neko: bye

you sat there with a smile on your face.

(Y/N) point of veiw time skip to dance

you were just standing outside Velvets dorm waiting for her your hair was done by Black of course when the door opened Velvet came out wearing a beautiful white dress with brown flowers on it
"do you like it" she asked slightly blushing
"you look amazing as always" you told her as you took her hand and led her to the ball room

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