part 3

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The two of you sat and talked until Yang entered the room looking super tiered
"you ok Yang" you asked
"yes just didnt get much sleep hehe I was to drunk" she said drunken and tiredy0ly she sat there half asleep not saying anything
"i think she is still drunk" you whispered to Velvet she odded in agreement After a few more people entered one girl and two boys sat with you and Velvet you didnt know them but it looked like Velvet did
"there you are velvet" the girl said
"hi Coco this is (Y/N)" Velvet said leaning closer to you
"BANG" Yang fell asleep her head hitting the table "well anyway (Y/N) this is Fox Coco and yatsuhashi the rest of my team" Velvet said gesturing to the three
"ahh Coco so your the one that set me the death threat" you said jokingly Velvet glared at her "a belive you were going to use a spork" you continued "its nice to meet you" you said BANG you turned to see Yang fell off her seat and was laying on the ground "we should probably get her back to her dorm" you said
"yeah" Velvet said You picked her up in you arms and headed off Velvet followed you when you got to her dorm Velvet noked on the door you were met by Ruby
"hi did Yang fall asleep" she asked
"yes" you said laying her down on a bed
"she didnt sleep at all last night she was so rowdy how any of us got sleep was a mystery" Ruby said when she said that a thought slipped into your mind how can Black basicly never sleep and be fine and Yang falls asleep at a table after not sleeping for one night "well have a nice day you two" she said with a smile as you and Velvet left When you got back Scar and Alan were there when you sat down a voice you were not in the mood for came
"hey you" a voice yelled
"Cardin" you mumbled under your breath as you got up he was standing there armed Cardin charged at you just before he hit you a masive energy blast hit cardin smashing him into the wall you turned to the sourse Alan
"I have been charging that since I woke up" Alan said high fiveing Coco
"why" you asked he just shrugged Cardin got up Scar grabed a piece of metal off his arm that unfolded into a sheild Scar tossed it into the air Alan jumped and shot it with a energy blast sending it flying towards Cardin it hit him in the face Cardin got up again when Black suddenly appeared and kicked him in the face knoking him over
"and stay down" she yelled
"thanks" you said
"anything for a friend or even a friend of a friend" Alan said
"can team cfvy team rwby and team (T/N) come to my office please" profesor Ozpins voice came through a speaker
"that was quicker then normal" Coco said
but team RWBY isnt here with us" Fox said
"then its not about what just happened" Black said the eight of you went to Ozpins office profesor Ozpin was sitting there drinking coffee team rwby was alread there "we have a mission for you we dont know how dangerous it could get so we are sending three teams that is you three teams" he said "before you say I know you didnt sing up and its early into the year but we looked at the statistics and they said you three teams would be best" he said "there has been a sudden spike in white fang and grimm activity around a part of Vale known as Mountain Glenn it has been abandoned for a while and has always been a grimm hotspot but it has gotten worse we request you go I will give you time to discuss as a group its your choice if you accept or not" he said the twelve of you went to the other side of the room to discuss
"I say we except" Coco said
"I just want to sleep" Yang said
"I agree with Coco plus I want revange on those fang" Scar said
"revenge for what" you asked
"nothing" Scar said
"I am not sure about this" Blake said
"I am with Blake here this dosnt sound like a good idea" Fox said
"I think we can do it" you said
"fine" Fox said
"ok I am in" Ruby said
"me to" weiss said
"I am not sure about this" Velvet said
"I am tiered" Yang yelled
"well we need to come to a conclusion" you said
"team leaders" Blake asked
"I say yes" Coco said
"me two" Scar said
"me three" Ruby said
"ok prof we are in" Coco said
"great you can leave when you are all ready there will be a airship waiting for you" Ozpin said
"Yang you should get some rest before we go" you said patting her on the shoulder you and your team headded to your dorm you all got in ti your armor and grabbed your weapons your armor was (F/C) and had (SF/C) lines running down the arms and legs Black's armor was of course black with a white line running down the side of the torso Alan had orange and gold armour with maching coulor gaunlets the gaunlets had a hole in the palm for his lazars Scar had grey armour a sheild and a battle axe
"lets go" Black said heading towards the door the others teams weren't much for armor sure enough there was a air ship waiting for the group of you
"to mountain Glenn" you said to the pilot when everyone was on board
"yes sir" he said before taking off

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