Chapter Forty

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Hours and hours later, we finally stopped. We got almost everything done. It was getting late, and we had gotten most of our work finished.

"I need food," I said as I closed the laptop.

"We can go get something from the kitchen," Natasha offered.

"Or," I said as I moved away from Loki and towards the drawer. "We can eat from my stash."

"You have a stash?" Elisa asked from over the phone.

"Yeah, so?"


"Because sometimes I just don't want to leave the room."

"She's afraid to forget the way to the kitchen again," Loki added.

"Shut up," I told him.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. I'll tell Steve what we've decided and I guess I'll see you later," Natasha said.

"All right. Thank you so much. It means a lot to both of us."

"It's no problem." She leaned down and gave me a hug.

"Before I forget, did I ask you to be a bridesmaid yet?" She stood up straight.

"No, I don't think you did."

"Do you want to?" She grew a large smile.

"I would love to. What color dress do I need to pick up?"

"Green. I'll send you a picture of Elisa's later."

"Green?" She shot a smirk to Loki. I looked behind me to see that he had fallen back on the bed.

"We both like the color," I told her. She just smiled.

"Alright, well I'll get out of your hair. Goodnight."

"Night." I picked up the phone as she walked out. "See you later, alright?"

"Yeah," Elisa said. "See you later," she said with a yawn.

"Bye," I said before ending the call. "Are you still awake back there?" Loki answered with a groan. I gave a small laugh before falling down beside him. "I'm tired, too."

"You don't seem like it," he grumbled.

"Oh shut up. You hardly even did anything. The rest of us did the real work."

"That's not true. I helped."

"I would beg to differ."

"How about we stop talking about it and go to sleep?"

"Oh, alright. Give me a minute, and I'll turn out the lights." I got up and put the computer away. After getting myself ready for bed, I crawled in next to Loki. "Goodnight, babe."

"Babe? Are you calling me a baby?"

"No, it's a term we use. You always call me 'love' or 'darling.' It's like that. So, goodnight babe."

"Goodnight, love." I smiled as I reached over and turned out the light. I rolled over towards Loki and saw him facing me. "Hello." He smiled at me.

"Hi." He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead before pulling me closer. "What are you doing?"

"Just roll over. You'll make it easier for me." I did what he said, and he wrapped his arm around me. "Goodnight."


"Together again. Never apart. One could say inseparable." I knew who was talking immediately. It was Thanos.

"What do you want?"

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