Chapter Forty-Six

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It took a little while, but we finally finished getting me ready. Elisa put the finishing touch on my makeup; Natasha had already done my hair.

"Wow," Cassie said in awe. "You look like a princess. No! A queen." I smiled as I looked down at her.

"Then you must be my princess," I told her. She smiled excitedly. I turned to the mirror to see how I looked. I almost didn't recognize myself, but in a good way. I couldn't wait to see how handsome Loki would look.

"What time is it?" Elisa asked frantically. "We have about thirty minutes before you need to be down there.

"Really? Already?" I asked. "I can't believe it's today. So much time has passed since we first met. It feels like minutes."

"My daddy's in love, too. But he was really sad one day. I think she went on a long trip or something. I keep telling him she's gonna come back one day, but he always gets sad," Cassie said. I instantly knew what had happened. At least, I was pretty sure.

"I'm sure she will one day. Maybe she just got a little lost." I gave her a weak smile. She didn't seem to think anything was strange. I guess it was a good idea to keep it from her. She was so innocent, I didn't think she could understand.

"Yeah!" She bounced around the room before crawling on the bed. She gave me a certain look, a look I knew well. I gave her a nod and she began to jump up and down on the bed. Why not? It wasn't made anyways.

She happily jumped for a few minutes as Elisa and Natasha made sure everything was perfect.

"You're ready," Natasha said with a smile. "But are you actually ready to go?"

"Yeah. How do we know I won't run into Loki?" I asked.

"I'm a highly trained Russian spy. I think we'll manage." I smiled but Elisa's expression grew a bit concerned. She brushed it off after a moment. She hugged me one last time before we left.

"Come on," I said to Cassie, offering her my hand. She took it as she jumped off. She grabbed her little basket with rose petals in it. I always thought roses were pretty. I admired how they were beautiful and delicate, yet sharp and pointed.

"Are you excited?" she asked as we stepped into the hallway.

"I am. Maybe one day you'll find your Prince Charming, too." Her face beamed. We began our walk down the hallway, Natasha staying a few feet ahead of us to keep watch. Cassie happily skipped alongside me while holding my hand. Elisa stayed behind me to make sure nothing happened to my dress. It didn't have much of a train but she insisted anyways.

As we grew closer to the room, knots formed in my stomach. I felt like I could throw up any second. I felt ready just a second ago. What happened?

"Lil, you're looking kind of pale. Are you alright?" Elisa asked.

"Y-Yeah. I just... I just need a second." I felt Cassie let go of my hand as I went to lean on the wall. Natasha stopped, but stayed ahead. She still checked to make sure no one was coming.

"Lil?" I leaned against the wall, my hands holding me up as I faced down. "You gonna be okay?" I nodded as I sharply inhaled.

Breathe, I told myself. Just breathe. I could feel Loki trying to get to me after I thought that. He must have sensed something was wrong, but I couldn't let him in. I'd be breaking the rule.

"It's okay," Cassie said. "Sometimes, when I have to present in front of my class, I get really nervous. But then I remember if I do good, it makes my family happy. Maybe if you think about your family you'll feel better." She was trying to help, I know, but I was just reminded that they weren't here today. The biggest day of my life, the one day I really needed them.

"Come here, sweetie," Elisa said as she gently pulled her away. Elisa knew that wasn't the best thing to say. I wasn't mad at her, though. She was just a child. I just didn't feel any better about things.

I heard Elisa quietly explaining in the best way possible for her to understand. While she was doing that, Natasha came over.

"Hey," she said softly. "You can do this. You have to be strong."

"I know." Every word felt like I was urging myself to barf.

"Just... Just think about Loki. He would hate to see you like this, wouldn't he?" I nodded. "Just think about how happy he'll be when he sees you coming down the isle. Don't keep him waiting." She rested her hand on my back encouragingly.

"Y-Yeah, you're right." I tried to envision Loki at the end of the isle. I remembered his beautiful smile. I loved to see his smile. And his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. I always compared them to emeralds, but they were so much better than emeralds. They were absolutely stunning.

I stood tall, taking a deep breath as I did. I collected myself for a moment, just breathing in and out.

"You good?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah. I'm ready. I can do this."

"Hell yeah, you can." I noticed Cassie give her a look for cursing. That made me feel better, too.

"That's not a nice word," she said.

"You're right, it's not," Natasha told her. "So if I ever catch you saying it, you'll be in trouble." Cassie smiled mischievously before taking my hand again.

"Do you feel better?" she asked me.

"I do. Thank you," I said with a smile. We walked on. I could already see the door. A few people were outside, waiting for me. Natasha made sure Loki was already inside before letting me get any closer.

I felt the nausea try to come back, but I pushed it down. I could do this. I would be strong.

We walked up to the others and Thor immediately came to my side. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"I am." We stood off to the side a bit so we wouldn't be seen when the doors opened. I saw Scott wearing his Ant-man suit, becoming about Cassie's size. She went into a fit of giggles. We didn't have a ring bearer, and he seemed more than willing. He said he would take his mask of during the walk and put it on for just enough time to grow to normal size.

"Lilith," Thor said, turning to me with a large smile. "I am glad Loki found someone like you. You have truly changed him for the better. And I am honored to have you as a sister. I wish my mother and father could be here, as well. They would welcome you, too."

"Th-Thanks, Thor. That... that really means a lot." He pulled me into a hug. I hadn't realized it was almost time. I saw Natasha and Elisa walk in together.

"Are you ready?" Thor asked me.

"Let's do this."

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