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Ok sorry I haven't actually updated a pic in some time next one will be Hunk, then Lance, Keith, Allura, Shiro, Coran, Krolia, Pidge, Freedom Fighters, Holt Family, Voltron Fam and then the final one before I have you guys decide what you want wil...

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Ok sorry I haven't actually updated a pic in some time next one will be Hunk, then Lance, Keith, Allura, Shiro, Coran, Krolia, Pidge, Freedom Fighters, Holt Family, Voltron Fam and then the final one before I have you guys decide what you want will most likely be sheith....I only put Shatt cause I realized that I actually didn't have any photos of Shiro and Matt as a couple and I know despite the show being over and Shiro getting a husband...we have confirmation that he is gay so it could need up one way or another...but yeah anyway later


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