Kurapika and (Y/N)

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Kurapika's P.O.V.

 "(Y/N)" (Y/N) turned around to see me running towards her. 'I wonder why she's at our secret waterfall.' "Are you ok, what do you need?" She asked me in a curiously happy tone. Today was her birthday, I bet she still has no idea of what me and Pairo planned for her birthday. "I've been looking all over for you, what are you doing here?" I asked her a little out of breath, and not just because I was running. I've known (Y/N) for as long as we've been alive, she's become one of my best friends.

 "You cause something, I love this place. Just watching the water shimmer in the sun and being in nature, it's absolutely breath taking. I also love this place because it's where I met you and Pairo." She said with a pure, happy smile that made me blush a little. "O-ok. Anyways, mind coming with me, Pairo and I have something for you." I said to her, I hope she likes the surprise me and Pairo have been planning for a few months. 

"Ok! I assume that he is at his place?" She asked me in the sweetest tone I've ever heard. "Y-yes, uh.... shall we?" I ask her while holding out my hand for her. "Yeah, let's go!" She said sweetly with a heart melting smile and takes my hand. I blush and we start walking to Pairo's house. While we were walking, I glance over at (Y/N). 'She looks so beautiful.... Wait! What am I thinking??????!!!! I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. I should just focus on getting her to the party without raising any suspicions. You got this Kurapika. Don't raise any suspicion.'

 "Hey Kurapika, are you ok? Your face looks a little red. Do you have a fever?" (Y/N)'s question caught me off guard causing me to jump a little. "Huh o-oh, no I'm fine, just thinking about something important to me." 'Damn it!! Why did I have to studder???!!!!!' I scold myself mentally. "Oh, ok. One more thing, can you meet me at our secret waterfall tonight when everyone else is asleep? I kinda need to talk to you about something important to me." She said with a light dusting of pink on her cheeks stopping in the middle of the path and begins playing with her fingers nervously. "O-Ok, I need to tell you something important too." I say nervously as I feel blood rush to my cheeks. She smiled at me and begins to skip happily down the dirt path ahead of me. 'I need to confess to her tonight, or I can't hold back anymore. I can't live a life without her, I love her.' I think as I begin catching up to her.


(A/N): Sorry for the cliff hanger. Hope you all at least enjoyed it. I also am just fixing these since its been so long since I've even touched this story. Thank you all for reading this story. It truly means a lot to me more than ever now!💕🌺🌹

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