The Kurta Princess

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(A/N): "Want to know something funny? When I asked if I should update this story on my profile, I didn't have anything on this chapter at all, not even the picture at the top. I know, I'm such a scatter brain sometimes. Also this might be the longest chapter I've ever done on wattpad😅. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter."😸


"Goodnight (Y/N)." He said with a sweet yet gentle smile. "Goodnight Kurapika." Then we parted for the night and for the first time in forever, I could not wait for tomorrow to come.

Presently: *Morning time* (Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I could hear someone shouting from downstairs, calling my name. 'Who's calling my name?' Suddenly, I remember that the elder would be holding a meeting with the entire clan. Upon remembering that, I shoot out of bed and got ready quicker than my fastest time to get ready, which......... isn't very big on time but still. After I got ready, I ran downstairs to greet my mother and father. 

"Good morning (Y/N)." They both greeted simultaneously. 

 "Good morning Mother, Father." I say with a smile.

*Timeskip* ( I  know, I'm being lazy. Sorry.)

We all quickly ate breakfast, then rushed over to the meeting spot which was under the sacred tree. 

(A/N): Picture at the top.👆

The tree was HUGE! It was so big, it was said to hold a special memory for the Kurta, but the elder told us to never go near it unless one specific occasion came up. Almost no one knows what kind of occasion he was talking about, but it had to be very important

Finally everyone in the village was at the tree, then I spotted Kurapika and he saw me. He immediately rushed over to me, and hugged me, of course I hugged back. 

"What do you think the elder is going to announce? I mean it has to be something very important if he's having us all meet at the sacred tree, right?" Kurapika turns his head to me. 

 "I don't know for sure, but it might be because of the legend of the Kurta clan." His answer leaves me slightly puzzled. 'A legend about the Kurta clan? What legend?' 

I kept thinking about what kind of legend Kurapika was talking about, when the elder made his way to the front.

"I have a very important announcement to make." He began. "It is time to choose, The Kurta Princess!" The words "Kurta Princess" rang through my mind for a moment .


 "We will, begin." Almost a millisecond after he said that, the sacred tree began to glow. Then the light of the tree went underground and a glowing green line from the tree was waving around underground, slowly coming........ to me?

As soon as it reached me, it started to circle around me. 'What does this mean?' Kurapika looked at me, like he was shocked to high heaven and kept looking back and forth between me and the line circling around me. I wonder why.

The elder saw exactly where the line went. He slightly smiled at me.

"The sacred tree has chosen. (Y/N) (L/N), please come here." I was shocked when I heard my name being called to go up to the front. I slowly began to make my way to the front. I looked around to see all eyes were on me. Finally, I reach the front of the crowd. 

"The sacred tree has chosen (Y/N) (L/N) to be named: The Kurta Princess." The elder then took my hand, bringing me to the tree, and placed my hand on the tree. 

As soon as I touched the tree, sparks began to fly all over the place. Then without warning, I blacked out.

Kurapika's P.O.V.

The elder took her hand to the tree, and before I knew it, sparks were flying everywhere. I quickly shut my eyes and ducked down like everyone else. After a few seconds, the sparks stopped. I opened my eyes to see if (Y/N) was ok, but I saw her out cold on the ground. Immediately, I rush over to her. 

I was just about to touch her when to elder shouted. 

"STOP!! You must not touch her till she awakens or she will die!" I froze in place. 

"What do you mean she'll die if I touch her?" I ask with fear in my heart. 

"Exactly that. No one is aloud to touch her till she wakes up. Especially you Kurapika."

I immediately started to shake a little. "Why especially me? Tell me!" I started to get frustrated.

"Because, you are one of her best friends are you not? That being said, if you truly are her best friend, you will stay by her side till she awakens. Also at maximum, she should be asleep till around midnight tonight. That should make you feel at least a little better." 

I sigh in relief. 'At least that means she's alive still.'

"Alright that concludes this meeting. Thank you all for being here." The elder said, everyone else left, but (Y/N)'s parents left very worried. 

*Timeskip to mid-day*

I sat by (Y/N)'s side while thinking about what the elder said after everyone else left. 


The elder: "Kurapika, you must be here by her side when she wakes up. You have to be the first person she sees, but you must not touch her at all till then."

Kurapika: "Ok, but what's happening to her?"

The elder: "A special type of magic power is flowing into her. Since she is now the Kurta Princess, she will have great power and authority, but this process must not be interrupted in any way by anyone, it doesn't matter who it is or what the reason is, if you care for her even the slightest bit, you will not let anything happen to her while she's asleep. Understand?"

Kurapika: I understand completely. I won't let anything happen to her, I swear it.

*End flashback*

I look at (Y/N) with a soft gaze. "I swear on my entire life and everything the whole world holds dear, I will protect you no matter what. No one will hurt you, not if I have any say in the matter. I swear this on everything I hold dear to me, I will protect you, my dear (Y/N)."


Kurapika: *Sigh* The author still feels like I should be doing these sort of things, the end of the chapter I mean, so here goes nothing. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter that the author poured their heart into. Ya know, this whole story came straight  out of their head. Today is also the author's birthday, so.......yeah, happy birthday to the author. *Sigh* I don't know how the author does this almost every story. Anyways, see you all next time........ I hope.😉

(A/N): *Whispers behind the door* Well done Kurapika, well done.😸


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