Chapter 4 - Rumors

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After last night, I was determined to avoid Easton at all costs. I definitely didn't want to talk about my crazy ex-boyfriend with him. Even if that meant waking up early and taking the bus to school. I had never had any problems with riding the bus to school, but since my dad leaves for work at the same time as I'm ready to go to school, I usually tag along. I yawned and looked out through the window. If I'm going to have to catch an early bus from now on, I'll have to get to bed earlier. My phone buzzed, and I unlocked it with my thumb. I had a new message from Easton.

Where are you?

I contemplated not answering, but I didn't want him to worry. If he had a reason to believe that something was wrong, he would call my dad, and he'd start asking questions I didn't want to answer.

On my way to school. I answered and then put the phone in my bag.

Fifteen minutes later I was retrieving books from my locker when Candy came rushing towards me. I slammed the locker door shut and faced her.

"Are you training for a marathon or something?" I snickered.

"There's something I have to tell you." She said nervously.

"Do we have one of those surprise quizzes today?" I asked, hoping that wasn't the case.

"No, It's not that. It's -"

Candy suddenly froze next to me.

"Oh no, I was too late" she muttered.

"You're SUCH a good kisser Russ." Someone said behind me.

I whirled around and saw Russ standing next to a girl. She had long brown hair, dark golden skin and a skirt so short you could almost see her private area. She leaned closer to Russ and captured his lips between hers. This was PDA at first class, and I had front-row tickets. I suddenly felt sick.

"I'll see you later babe." She said after she was done feeling him up. She tossed a wink my way before strolling down the corridor. When she was gone, Russ' intense gaze met mine.

"Oh hey, I didn't know you were there," He said, leaning his shoulders into the lockers and crossing his arms.

"So what, you've moved on now?" Surprising myself, I didn't blink.

I wasn't jealous, I broke up with him, and he has the right to kiss anyone he wants. However, it still stung seeing him move on so fast. It made me feel like I didn't mean anything to him, had he even been in love with me?

"Yeah, you thought you were special or something?" He snickered.

"I'll let you in on a little secret," he continued. In an instant, he pushed off the lockers and invaded my space. He placed his hands against the locker doors on both sides of my head and glared down at me. I shivered, not liking his sudden closeness. Just a mere week ago we were standing precisely like this, kissing. Now I was terrified that his lips would touch me by accident while he was whispering into my ear.

"Get off her, you creep!" Candy said and pushed him away from me. He stumbled back, and I took a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"I've seen Emma behind your back ever since we got together." He told me, smiling. Everything after that happened in a rush of adrenaline. I grabbed him by the shoulders and lifted my knee into his groin. Hard. He immediately fell to his knees, groaning while holding his crotch.

"Don't touch me, and don't talk to me ever again!" I sneered.

"Don't pretend like you're so innocent, Belle. You're probably having at it with your babysitter." He said between heavy pantings, and I got the urge to knee him again.

"You know what, maybe I am!" I found myself saying before I could even think it through. I was so desperate to hurt him at this point, so I continued, "He's amazing, and he makes me feel like a woman. He's so much bigger than you too, and I'm not talking about height," I said in a hard, stern voice. I heard students snickering among us. Apparently, we had gotten an audience. Candy grabbed my hand and told me that it was time to leave.

"You'll so regret that," Russ winced from the floor, and I believed him.


"Wow girl, what happened with you and Russ this morning was intense!" Candy said.

Candy and I were standing in the parking lot after school. We had had different classes throughout the day so we couldn't discuss what had happened.

"You totally got to him! He looked all flustered the whole day!"

"What if I get into trouble. You know, for hitting another student." I had been nervous about that all day. It wasn't like me to do something like that, and I wondered what had come over me.

"Relax, I'm sure nothing will happen. He cares too much about his reputation, he wouldn't want people to know what happened today." She said and I felt a little better.


"Isabelle, we need to talk."

I found Easton standing in the doorway between the living room and the hall. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he stared at me with narrowed eyes. Oh no, not now. I had had a terrible day, and I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Easton, I'm not in the mood, can we talk later?"

"No, we need to talk now." He said in a sharp voice. He looked really pissed, and I wondered why. Unease swept through me, a bundle of nerves building up in the pit of my stomach. I ran my tongue over my dry bottom lip, a tick I had whenever I was nervous.

"What do you want to talk about?" His intense stare was making me uncomfortable.

"Why have you been telling people at your school that we're a thing?"

My eyes grew wider, and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"I-I can e-explain." I stuttered.

"Please do." He snapped.

I cleared my throat, trying to figure out how I was going to explain this to him.

"I saw Russ making out with another girl today." I started saying, and before I could continue, Easton interrupted me.

"Ah, you wanted to make him jealous?" A grin tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Something like that," I answered, feeling ashamed. How had he found out about this?

"That's so irresponsible of you." He sighed.

"I know," I didn't know what else to say so I didn't continue.

"No, I don't think you do." Sauntering over to me, Easton grabbed the hem of my hoodie and said, "Your dad was FURIOUS with me. It took me forever to convince him that I haven't touched you in that way!"

"My Dad?" My pulse thumped in my ears, and I swallowed down the bile rising in my throat.

Easton took a deep breath before he backed away a few steps. I was thankful for that because I had started to sweat; my palms were all clammy.

"Yes, your dad. I managed to convince him that it was just a stupid rumor. He's been trying to reach you. Have you talked to him yet?"

I hadn't checked my phone since before lunch. I retrieved my phone from my bag and sure enough; I had four missed calls from my dad.

"Crap," I mumbled.

"How could he know about this?" I asked him.

"No idea, but you should probably call him."

I let out a small sigh without looking at him. I started to walk towards my room, but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder before I could get away.

"Please don't mention me around your friends again. I've got enough problems on my own."

"I won't" I answered between my heavy breathing.

"We should probably keep a low profile for a while. Maybe it is best if you start taking the bus to school."

"Yeah... sure." I turned my back at him and walked away before he could notice how bothered I was.

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