Chapter 17

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"What is this?" Kim screeched, looking down at her phone in her mothers kitchen, "Please tell me I'm seeing this wrong."

Khloe frowned, "What's up, Kim?"

"Some bitch sold TMZ pictures of Karla..." Kim trailed off, reading further into the article.

"They did what?" Kendall snapped, snatching the phone from Kim's hands and clenching her jaw when she saw what had happened.

The article told 'exclusive' details about Karla's state and why her admission came to be. Not only that, but it exposed some of her deepest secrets that she had told Toby with ultimate trust - her views about fame and how much she believed her family didn't care for her.

As Kendall scrolled along the article, she came across a selfie with Karla and someone else who had their face blurred out, but Kendall knew who it was; his face may have been blurred out but Karla had only gotten close with one person. There was no one else it could have been.

"That fucking asshole." Kendall cussed, "I knew he was sketchy from the start."

"Who?" Kris asked urgently.

"That Toby boy." Kendall answered, "Fucking hell, can she ever catch a break?"

Kris' phone rang and she looked down and muttered "It's the hospital." before walking around the corner to answer.

"Hi, Miss Jenner," called out her key worker, "I am sure you have seen what has been published and I am very sorry."

"How on earth was someone able to do that?" Kris asked, her tone full of anguish.

"Ma'am, sadly I think the culprit was someone Karla is close to." He told her, "The bedrooms can only be accessed with special codes and so Karla would have had to have told this person the code to her room."

"We already know who it was." Kris told him, "It was Toby Andrews."

"He is out of our care now," He said, "We can not hold him accountable for what he has done, if it were him."

"Does Karla know about this yet?" Kris asked.

"Unfortunately another one of our patients told her." He told her, "She requested for you guys to come and see her later today."

Although the circumstances really did suck, Kris felt extremely happy to hear this. Karla never reached out for comfort in her family, maybe rehab is what will bring her closer.

"We'll be there in an hour." Kris told him, saying goodbyes and going in to the others and explaining it to them.


The family arrived at the clinic exactly when they said they would - no one cared about looking good and touching up their makeup. They simply wanted to get to their little sister and be with her. It touched everyone to know that Karla wanted their company and they wanted to make this visit as great for her as possible.

When Karla was brought over to them, none of them had quite expected for her to run into her mothers arms, sniffling quietly. She seemed so much younger and fragile - her mental state seemed to match her physical state and their hearts broke to look at her.

"My sweet girl." Kris mumbled, feeling chocked up and extremely emotional after seeing her daughter this way, "You deserve the world, my darling."

Karla let out a small cry, pulling away and looking at her mother in the eyes, "Please let me out of here, mom."

"Sweetheart. . ." Kris trailed off.

"No, mom." Karla cried out, "I can't stand to be in this place anymore. I want out!"

Kourtney rubbed the back of Karla's head, running her fingers through her hair.

"I think being in here is the best option for you." Kris told her weakly, although she was starting to second guess it herself.

"Please, I'll go to a therapist everyday - I would do anything, just please discharge me and let me come home." Karla begged, "I have no friends in here and the one person I thought I could trust ends up selling a story about me. Just please let me come home."

"Mom." Kim said, tears in her eyes.

Kris looked around the room to everyone and they all nodded their head in agreement. Maybe it was time for Karla to come home.

"I'll see what I can do, honey. Okay?" Kris told her, stroking her cheek.

"Please." Karla whispered.

Whilst Kris went to discuss a possible discharge with Matthew (her key worker), Karla sat back with her sisters, leaning on Kim for support with Kylie running her hands up and down her back.

Karla felt absolutely destroyed, she thought she had hit rock bottom before, but what she was feeling could only be described as absolute torture.

The sisters sat there for thirty minutes in silence, all looking over at each other every now and then and wondering how everything had become so tough. How did they let the youngest Jenner get to this place?

Kris came back into the room with a lighter look on her face than when she left. Karla sat up straight, moving away from her sisters in attention to her mother's entrance.

"You're discharged." Kris said simply, "You can come home with us."

Karla let out a breath of relief, "Oh my god."

"You will have to see a therapist every day though and we are under strict instructions on how to help you." Kris told her, "If we believe you are slipping then you could be put back in here against your own will, but you can come home and continue your recovery with all of us by your side."

Karla jumped up and hugged her mom tightly, "I won't let you down." she whispered, "Thank you so much."

"Karla, you don't have to do it for me." Kris told her quietly, "I want you to get better for yourself. You deserve to be happy and content with life. I will be so proud of you with whatever path you take in life."

The words her mother told her felt like everything she needed to hear in life. It was like her mothers way of letting her know that she didn't need to contribute to fame and fortune. She could be whatever she wanted to be.

Karla wanted this now, she wanted to get better.

this is so bad lolll, but i wanted to give you guys something. also, i love that you guys like this and are messaging and commenting for updates but... this story is definitely not prioritised by me. in fact, it's probably at the bottom of my 'to do list'. so updates will never be a frequent thing (especially cause i lowkey hate this book), but yeah! just thought i'd reinforce that...

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