Chapter 11

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Karla and Caitlyn were sat in the back of an Italian restaurant and had only really engaged in small talk so far. Karla wanted to ask her dad why she rarely tries to spend any time with her and Caitlyn wanted to ask why Karla has been so unhappy all of a sudden - what was the YouTube leak about?

"So, honey," Caitlyn said, swallowing her mouthful of food and wiping her mouth with the napkin, "What's gone on today? Why was your mother messaging me so concerned?"

Karla looked to the side of her, where there was a family of four laughing away at something, all engaged with each other and seeming content to be with one another. Karla was so envious of the teen and the child for having, what appeared to be, such a simple and wonderful family life.

"Nothing, much." Karla mumbled. "They're just being dramatic, as they always are."

Caitlyn frowned, but just decided to drop it as always. And Karla was confused as why she felt disappointed that he didn't probe her for more details. She just wants someone to fight for her and had her father have done, maybe things over the next few months would have turned out differently.

But who knows? I guess no one can predict the future, or know whether or not small events can shape of mishap it.


Two months later

Karla was different. She appeared to not even be a fraction of what she used to be - she had new friends who were the type of people Karla used to hate. They all went to parties, were either drunk or hungover, barely went to school and were kind of inconsiderate to everyone who was around them. But being friends with them was Karla's way of slowly destroying herself without it being a drastic sudden death.

Everything Karla used to prioritise was suddenly out of the picture. She didn't care for hockey, her school work, her old friends, singing. She just was a different person and no one really knew why, but her older friends missed her more than anything and would message Karla's sisters to make sure she was okay.

Some of her family thought it was her just going through her rebellious teen phase and others thought there was something more to it than that. Whatever their view was though, they all seemed to give up with caring for Karla and where she was. Although her friends seemed unsafe, they cared about Karla a lot and always made sure she got home safely, regardless of the fact that Karla lived the other side of the city to them. Especially Taylor, a girl who she had seemed to have gotten very close to.

(oh my god guys, i literally nearly lost everything up to here - i nearly cried)

Right now was a rarity in the fact that Karla was actually home, but most of her friends were working tonight, which meant that Karla was completely alone in her room. But luckily her friend Taylor wasn't at work (because she had gotten fired) which meant that she could at least text her.

taylor - hey, babe

karla - hey

taylor - wanna go out tonight?

karla - sure. pick me up outside the gates?

taylor - see you in 20.

Karla grinned to herself and went to her closet to pick out something she could wear out. She always wanted to impress Taylor so she went for something simple, but something that would show her figure off and hopefully make Taylor drool - not literally though of course - she just wanted to get the look that Taylor always gave her after looking her up and down.

It was no doubt that Karla liked Taylor and wanted to be with her and it was quite obvious to everyone, including the two girls, that they both equally felt the same about one another. The two were always incredibly touchy and Taylor was so protective over Karla, she'd have her hand on the lower part of her back whenever they were out and make sure she was okay with everything they would be doing.

There was a knock at Karla's door and she went over, with a sigh, to go and open the door. Stood outside was her mom, looking rather reluctant to be there.

"Can I help you?" Karla asked.

Kris rolled her eyes at her daughters snappy behaviour and said, "We're having a small gathering to celebrate North's birthday coming up. Be downstairs shortly please."

"No can do," she told her, "I'm going out."

"No - you are coming downstairs." She told her, "That is final. You are not going anywhere, but downstairs, to be with your family."

Karla huffed and rolled her eyes, "You cannot control me and keep me inside."

"Yes, I can." Kris told her, "I'm your mother."

Karla scoffed, "You never fucking acted like it before. Why start now, huh?"

"Karla, I refuse to argue about this with you any further." Kris said to her, rubbing her temples, "Just get downstairs now."

Karla clenched her jaw and slammed her door shut, "I REFUSE TO BE WITH YOU ASSHOLES. I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU."

Kris banged her hand on the door and yelled back, "WELL THEN YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. YOU'RE GROUNDED KARLA MARIE JENNER."

Karla kicked the door in response to her mother's words and walked to her window, looking out and seeing her family all coming into the house.

"Fuck," she exclaimed to herself, "I'll never be able to sneak out now."

She got out her phone and called Taylor.

"Hey, I'm almost there." She heard her say.

Karla bit her lip and said, "My mom's grounded me."

Taylor laughed and said, "So? Just sneak out, babe."

"I would, but my family are all round and my window is in their view." Karla said, feeling slightly embarrassed with how she was inexperienced in sneaking out.

"Hmm," Taylor stalled, "Well, if you can't get out then I'll get in. I don't want to have driven all this way for nothing."

"But you won't be able to get in without struggling and-"

Taylor cut her off, "Relax, babe. I'll get in. See you soon."

Karla smiled and said, "Okay, see you soon."

She hung up the phone and looked around her room, quickly realising that it was a mess and then proceeded to scramble round trying to straighten it up until she heard a tap on her balcony door.


This might seem short but its the usual 1000+ words sooo... but yeah, i'm kinda excited to see this carry on and have the storyline progress - i have quite a few ideas for it to so it might then lead to more regular updates, but i can't promise anything lmao.

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