Me, James (and Isaac)

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I stayed with Isaac and James until my mother knocked on the door of Isaac's house. She called me in for dinner.

For the curious people out there: Me, James and Isaac gamed, talked and did some other fun stuff. I would rather have stayed with them but, as the proverb goes, family above friends.

I said goodbye to them and went. I walked together with my mom back home. While I walked, I thought of James. His dreamy eyes, his face, his body, his.. everything. He's so cute. I want to cuddle him. 

No.. no wait what am I doing?

Love is like a drug; it gets inside you (somehow) and then you have no control of it anymore. Your life isn't your own anymore. You are depending on some chemicals.

I should compare James to the drug.

But he's so cute....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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