A feeling..

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    "I hate him. He needs to leave me the heck alone."  Bendy said as he walked throughout the studio. "Sammy can't leave me alone for two minutes, can he?" Just then, he saw Sammy walk across the hall before him, so Bendy could only see the side of him. Somehow, and for some reason, he blushed(If that's possible, considering he's made out of ink) as Sammy walked by. He didn't know why, but he felt a tingly feeling in his chest that he just ignored. Or, he at least tried to. He always felt a tingling feeling as he saw Sammy, but as he spoke to Sammy, the feeling wasn't there, it was replaced by a weird, surprised feeling. Bendy didn't know why these feelings occurred, but he liked them, and at the same time despised of them. He walked to the hall Sammy was walking down, and Sammy turned around and saw him. "Hello, m'lord!!" Bendy felt himself deeply flushed(Blushing very, very deeply, if they can blush?). 'Pull yourself together, Bendy. Stop.' He thought to himself. "Uhm, Lord, are you alright?" Bendy took a tiny step toward Sammy. "Yeah, Lawrence, I'm fine. What are you doing, and why would you disturb me?!" Bendy spat those words out, only half-way meaning the words he was saying. Sammy made a surprised face under his mask, and jolted to the ground, and made a prasing  notion toward Bendy. "I'm so sorry, m'lord, I didn't mean to upset you!!" Bendy seemed surprised he made Sammy praise him from that, and he sorta felt bad for yelling that at him now. Bendy sighed, angrily. "It's fine, Lawrence. You just.. Startled me." "Why do you say startled like that, m'lovely Lord?" Bendy's eyes jolted open under the ink covering them. 'Lovely?' he thought, perplexed. "You think I'm lovely, Mr. Lawrence?" Bendy made a sort of angry smile, and Sammy nodded. "Really, now." Sammy nodded again.  Sammy thought about how his Lord, Bendy, replied to him calling him 'lovely'. 'Does my Lord like me calling him lovely? Because he truly is lovely.. Because I will always love you, m'Lord,' Sammy thought to himself. Bendy was staring at Sammy, and an odd feeling of happiness and nervousness filled him, and the feeling made Bendy accidentally giggle. Sammy laughed in his head, and Bendy deeply blushed(I guess). Bendy was angry with himself, extremely angry, for maybe liking Sammy, even as a friend. All Sammy did was distract him. How could he ever feel anything toward him? 

     Bendy felt the happiness and nervousness as he smiled at Sammy. Sammy couldn't tell if it was an evil smile, or a kind one, so Sammy smiled back under his mask. Bendy waved good-bye to Sammy, and Sammy did the same. Sammy walked through a wall with a Bendy cut-out, and Bendy frowned. Bendy continued to walk, and someone he had always truly despised of just happened to be right up the hall. Bendy angrily sighed, and walked up the hall, knowing he should have turned the other way, but he needed to head that way. Bendy tried not to look at her, but she laughed at him as he walked by. "Oh, shut up, Alice," Bendy rudely remarked as she angrily sighed as well, and Bendy went to Joey's old office. He walked in, and smiled brightly. "Sammy? You're in here too?" That weird feeling returned as he saw Sammy, looking through Joey's old stuff. Sammy turned, and smiled. "Oh, hi, Lord!!" Sammy walked up in front of Bendy, and Bendy got an even weirder feeling, like if he had a heart, it'd be pumping so very fast. Sammy stood on his tip-toes so he'd be at least almost the same size as Bendy. "M'lord, how are you?" "I-I'm fine, Sammy.." "Are you sure? You are stuttering, Lord.." Bendy pushed Sammy down by his shoulders, so he'd be his usual height.  "Sammy, why are you trying to be the same height as me?" He asked, curiously.  "Because your magnificence must be seen from the correct angle." Bendy smiled, and his demon-tail swayed back and forth, and he turned around, and slapped his face very hard. 'You CANNOT like him, not even as a friend!! STOP IT, BENDY, YOU ARE LORD, HE IS YOUR PROPHET!!!!' Bendy thought to himself as he turned back around, looking at a concerned Sammy. Bendy bent down slightly to Sammy's point of view. He felt as he should do something, while his mind screamed, 'YOU CANNOT LIKE YOUR PROPHET!! WHAT KIND OF LORD ARE YOU?!' As he thought that, Sammy blushed(I guess), and Bendy stooped up to his normal height, and angrily walked away.  "Uhm- bye, m'lord!!!" "Bye, Sammy.." Bendy whispered to himself. 

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