The Origin Of The Burrito.

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The morning burrito is the most beautiful thing to exist in this universe... There is only one in this entire world and it is made up of the most delicious ingredients... an ambrosia some would say... It wasn't long before it had an admirer who would do anything for it... and that admirer was Mooch the cat. 

Mooch the cat had just had glimpse of the morning burrito on the TV, and of corse it was love at first sight. He was determined to get his hands on it but throughout his lifetime he never could. He faced extreme enemies who also craved the burrito's sweet taste.  However this worried Earl the dog, his past lover who had to end the relationship between them because cats and dogs just don't work.

It was dark and stormy night and Mooch was planning his next scheme to obtain the burrito. He was in his study with just a green desk light on. He had it all figured out this time he thought. When suddenly the door slammed open... it was Earl the dog in her best dress. "Mooch! You need to stop this!  There's no hope! You'll never get that morning burrito!" She said with tears running down her face running towards him. "Of corse I am! I'm positive my plan is going to work this time!" He said with one hand on Earl's shoulder. "B-but you've tried so many times... How do you know it will work this time?" She whimpered.  "As I said Earl, I am positive it will work, don't worry" he said confidently.  For a moment they looked into each others eyes and saw a love they had lost a long time ago... "Mooch, I'm sick of you putting yourself in danger for that... stupid burrito!" She said looking away into the distance. "Don't you dare call the burrito stupid! What did it ever do to you!?" He spoke whilest Pushing her away. "It took you away from me!" She cried. "The only thing that took me away from you is what you are, a dog!" He yelled. "But when that burrito wasn't in existence, that didn't matter to you, did it?!" She replied. "Get out!" He screamed. Then Earl ran out in tears. Mooch sat in his study chair with his hand on his head and started to cry.

The next day mooch meets up with Crabby the crab...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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