Chapter One *Edited*

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"Fuck." I whispered to nobody in particular. I was driving down the Freeway, on my way to Oregon State University. My sweet sixteen is going to be held in a dorm room. I'm an advanced transfer student, which means I'm starting college at fifteen. Some dude had just cut me off, and I was not happy about it. But then, a skunk ran in the road. I swerved, because even though i'm a cat demon, I love small animals. I lost control of my little Ford truck, and crashed off the side of the road. My beautiful baby crashed into a tree, snapped my cheap seat belt, and sent me flying out the window. But instead of landing on hard ground, I fell. And fell. And fell some more. What the rusty nail? Finally, when I hit the ground, I landed in a bush. "Ow." I moaned. My body didn't begin to heal, like it usually does. "Hello?" I called. I heard shuffling, but no answer. I moaned in pain. "Nope. Just bleeding out in this bush." Black spots.danced around my vision and I felt myself being lifted up. I felt my body healing itself before I blacked out.

Chapter One

When I woke up, I was tied to a chair. "Seriously?" I muttered, and looked up to see a boy, looking to be about fourteen, with an eye-patch and a cane. I smelt his soul, so full of hate! "Who are you?" I grinned. "I'm your worst nightmare, little boy." He me. Just then, my phone decided to play "The devil went down to Georgia" from its convenient place in my bra. You see, since I am a demon, I develop faster. So I look to be eighteen, sexy eighteen, too. "What is that?" The boy spat. "Give it to me." I grinned and shimmied my boobs at him, since I was tied up. "Go and get it." He gulped and started to move tentatively towards my shirt. He was about an inch away before.he yelled,."SEBASTIAN, YOU DO IT!" An unknown figure stepped out from the shadows of the office. He was tall, demon, and sexy. Really sexy. I gulped, suddenly nervous as he approached me. "Um....." He.removed his glove, revealing a slender hand with black nails. He slowly put his hand down my shirt, earning a gasp. He smirked and groped around before coming out with my little phone. I.blushed bright red. "Its my phone. It goes ding when there's stuff." I smiled at my own reference. He in his hands.and I.felt like he had just snapped.the.prom crown. "Bastard." I muttered. He made a tisking noise. "Young ladies shouldn't speak that way." I glared at him. "Who are you?" The.boy asked again. I sighed. "Rosemary Maria Shayse."

"How old.are you?"


"Lies." He snapped.



"What?" I smirked at his confustion.


"Who are you, dear boy?"

"Earl Ciel Phantomhive, owner of FunTom toys and I am thirteen."

"Daaamn."I whistled.

"Launguage!" Sebastian piped in.


"Fair enough, little demon."

"WHAT?" Now Ciel was surprised. I smirked.

"Half demon, good sir."

"Sebastian Micheals. You're half angel too." I nodded. "Cat demon angel." I saw his eyes light up. Weird. I gasped. "YOU TWO ARE IN A CONTRACT!" I grinned like an idiot. "Hey, i'm pretty sure Sebastian over there can take widdle owd me, so lemme go you idiots." Ciel stared at me in shock before slipping back into an emotional mask. "Sebastian, let her go. I wish to see what use she could be. He grinned. "My pleasure, young master." Before swiftly untying my binds. I rubbed my wrists before extending my wings. One is black, one is white. But Sebastian grabbed my ankle. "Ow. Buzzkill." I said as.I landed on my butt. "You aren't going anywhere." He smirked. Then, we entered into an epic.battle. Finally, Sebastian pinned me and.smirked. "I quite like this position." I smirked before flipping and pinning him with my heel on his throat. "I don't take kindly to perverts who harass little girls. I.turned to Ciel. "I also major in English and I play the violin. Can I go now?" He.grinned playfully. "No. You'll be my bodyguard slash tutor, and in return, I shall let you stay here. I sighed. "Well, seeing that i'm trapped in another realm and I need a place to say.....fine." He smiled. "Now, remove your foot from Sebastian's throat, and let him show you too your room." I nodded and hesitanly released Sebastian, allowing him to drag me through the hallways all the way to my room. He pulled me into a room...closing the door behind him. And locking it.

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