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Chapter Ten (Rose)

"WHERE THE HELL AM I YOU BASTARDS?" I woke up at least ten minutes ago, and I've been shouting since then. For some reason, I couldn't get free, and I feel weak.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" The door opened, revealing a tall man, clad in a butler's uniform much like Sebastian's. He smirked.

"Now Now, you are being quite rude. My master is being very hospitable, letting you stay here." I bared my teeth at him.

"REALLY NOW?" He smiled and began unbinding me.

"You've been heavily drugged, so don't even try to get away. Not like you could." Once I was free, I found I couldn't move my les, and him and his wandering hands carried me after gagging me.  He took me to a study, where a young boy sat behind a desk. 

"Claude! That's no way to treat a heavily drugged guest. Untie her, she's not going anywhere."

'Claude' did as he was told, and I was sat in a chair opposite little prick.  

"Well my dear, Claude has informed me that you're a demon, interesting. What's your name?" I glared at him.

"Rose. And you?"

"I'm Alois Trancy." He grinned mischeiviously.

"Master, she's mated." His eyes lit up and he leaned forward on his elbows.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" I remained silent, and Alois didn't like that. He backhanded me.

"Answer the question!" Still, I remained silent, it takes alot more that a smack to break me. Alois smirked and nodded.

"Alright. So you like to play like that, eh?" In a flash, he grabbed my hand and plunged a dagger through it, succesfully pinning it to the table. I let out a small scream and stared at him. He raised an eyebrow and started twisting the knife, pushing it with inhuman strength to create a larger wound.

"Sebastian Michealis!" (HOW THE HELL DO YOU SPELL IT?) I gasped.  Alois pulled the knife out and smirked.

"Well, now i've got his pet!" He left the room, talking to Claude about something, while I closed my eyes.

Sebastian, come get me, please..................

Sebastian's POV

 Rose has been gone all day, and I'm getting worried. Maybe I should..

Sebastian, come get me, please.............

She sounded like she was in pain.

Oh Hell No.

"Young master, I believe Rose is in trouble." He nodded and finished his signiture on a document.

"Well let's go get her then. You know where she is?"  I thought about it for a moment.

"Not exactly, let's just say I've got an internal compass. I helped the young lord into the carriage and flicked the reighns, sending us forward. Not too much later, we arrived at the Trancey manner. This will be fun.


"No! Stop!" Claude was touching me, innapropriately, and I couldn't do anything because I was still drugged. He squeezed my upper thigh and started making love bites all over my neck.

"You disgusting pervert! Get your hands off of me!" The door started rattling, and Sebastian burst through.

"Is that any way to treat another mans mate?" I turned away as they fought, and only looked back when Sebastian knelt in front of me. He trailed a hand down my neck and over the marks, and I let a tear drip out. I felt woozy and lightheaded, and my head lolled forward. He carried me bridal style out the mansion and into a carriage where Ciel sat already. My eyes closed, and I passed out from bloodloss.


I flicked the reighns of the horses. We need to hurry, she's lost alot of blood and the poisen must be very potent to incapacitate her. She may not survive.

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