wanna feel alive outside •••••••

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Chan helped Jeongin find some better fitting clothes to wear

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Chan helped Jeongin find some better fitting clothes to wear. Chan's clothes were simply to broad for Jeongin. Chan left Jeongin in his locked room and made his way toward Seungmin's room. Seungmin and Jeongin both had slim figures, so Chan figured his clothes would fit Jeongin the best. Chan knocked on Seungmin's door loudly, most likely startling the poor boy. Frantic moving and cursing was heard from behind the door before a disheveled Seungmin cracked the door open, making eye contact with Chan. "Chan!" Seungmin yelled in relief. "Come in, come in." Seungmin beckoned. Chan entered Seungmin's room and saw many books and papers littered about on desks and shelves. "Someone's been busy." Chan commented. "Uh, Yeah." Seungmin said sarcastically. "You're looking at the genius who found out where Felix really went." Seungmin stated proudly. "About that," Chan sighed. He began to explain his situation to Seungmin. He tried to leave out any 'personal details', but Seungmin was really smart, and probably knew of the romantic connections anyway. "So, the Yang Prince is...in yOUR ROOM?" Seungmin yelled. Chan shushed him loudly, making Seungmin flinch. "Sorry!" He apologized. "Can I meet him? Can I question him? Can I-" Seungmin began asking a ton of questions that started to annoy Chan. "No!" Chan snapped. Seungmin froze and gave Chan a dumb look. "Then why did you tell me this in the first place?" Seungmin asked. "Because he needs some clothes." Chan said. Seungmin rolled his eyes and started pulling black t-shirts out of a drawer. He angerly ranted to himself as he piled Chan's arms with clothes. 'You never come to me for useful stuff' 'You're wasting my intelligence' along with similar remarks. "Thanks Seungmin!" Chan thanked as he left Seungmin's room. "Sure. Whatever." Seungmin replied as he immediately went back to whatever work he was previously working on. Chan stepped out into the hallway and noticed it was empty and quiet. All the wolves Seungmin's age were probably outside today. The nights were getting cooler and winter was surely around the corner, so it made since they were trying to get as much fresh air as they could before being cooped up in the den for a few months. Chan made his way back to his room with all of Jeongin's new clothes in his hands. Before he could unlock his door and go inside, Minho called him from down the hall. "Chan!" Minho ran up to Chan, giving him a confused look. "Aren't those Seungmin's clothes?" He asked. ''He must of recognized the smell.' Chan thought. "Yes." Chan said without any further explanations. "Ah...okay? Anyway, why did you leave the hunt yesterday? You never came back." Minho wondered. Chan didn't really want anyone to know about Jeongin besides Seungmin right now, but he didn't want to lie or keep secrets from his best friend. "I'll explain later. I'm busy." Chan explained. Minho gave him a confused look before shrugging his shoulders. "Aight. Whatever." Minho said in defeat. Minho began walking down the hallway back to his room, while Chan finally unlocked his door and shuffled into his own. He dumped all the clothes onto his bed and looked around for Jeongin. "Innie? Where are you?" Chan called out when he didn't see the boy anywhere. Chan glances upward and saw a small fruit bat hanging from the beds cover. "Found you!" Chan smiled as he poked Jeongins small tummy. Jeonginbegan to twist back into a person while Chan grabbed a t-shirt and shorts for Jeongin to change into. He handed the to Jeongin and waited for him to change. "I'm not changing in front of you!" Jeongin yelled as he tossed a pillow at Chan's face. Chan laughed and turned around, covering his eyes with his hands. He could hear Jeongin changing behind him and figured he was finished when the sounds of fabric begging thrown around stopped. He turned and saw Jeongin wear shorts, but no shirt. "H-hey!" Jeongin said as he covered his pale chest. Chan stared at Jeongin with adoration and love. He noticed the little cuts that littered his arms and began to inspect them. "Where did you get these?" Chan asked as he turned Jeongin around to look for more small cuts. They seemed to litter all over his body in random places. Jeongin was still blushing, cause he had no shirt on, and pushed Chan away from him. He quickly put the shirt on and decided to tell Chan. "They day I left the castle. I broke a window." Jeongin recalled. Chan blinked at him a few times before gasping. "That's-kinda badass." Chan admitted. Jeongin laughed and pushed Chan's arm lightly. "What do you mean! I was scared and that all I could think to do. It's not badass. It's idiotic." Jeongin replied. Chan chuckled and ruffled Jeongins hair. "Let's go." Chan said as he grabbed Jeongins hand.


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^ they all look like kings but Chan's looking hella fine 👌👌👌

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