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"Ally! Allison!"Apollo ran down the halls of the school with his bow already pulled back, ready to fire at anything that got too close to his sister

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"Ally! Allison!"
Apollo ran down the halls of the school with his bow already pulled back, ready to fire at anything that got too close to his sister.
Apollo began to panic as someone tackled him to the ground, he quickly pulled out his knife holding it to the persons throat.
"Hey, hey, it's just me."
Apollo's eyes widened as he dropped the knife, coming face to face with Stiles.
Apollo breathed out in a whisper.
Stiles whispered back still on top of the boy.
"What are you doing here?"
Lydia gaped pulling the boy up by his arm.
"I got a text from Allison saying she was in trouble."
Apollo told her remembering the whole reason he was there.
He turned to his sister grabbing her by the shoulders.
"Are you okay?"
Apollo looked over the girl urgently.
"Yes, yeah Pollo I'm fine. I didn't text you."
Allison shocked her head holding her brother by the shoulders.
"Just like I didn't text you."
Scott mumbled looking at Allison.
"What's going on here anyways?"
Apollo asked the four, noticing Jackson in the corner.
"Somebody killed the janitor."
Stiles told Apollo with a certain look.
Apollo raised his eyebrow in question at Scott who have him an uneasy nod.
The alpha was at the school, and the five teens were trapped inside with them.
"What's he talking about? Is this a joke?"
Allison asked Apollo who merely grabbed his sister's hand in comfort.
"What? Who killed him?"
Jackson's eyes widened as well.
"No. This was supposed to be over, the mountain lion killed-"
"No don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion!"
Jackson shouted at Lydia.
Apollo glared stepping between him and the strawberry blonde.
"Don't talk to her like that."
Apollo hissed at the lacrosse captain.
"What is happening? What does he want Scott?"
Allison asked the shaggy haired boy.
"I don't know. I just- if we go out there he's gonna kill us."
Scott forced out, trying to find an excuse to tell the three who were unaware to the supernatural.
"Us? He's gonna kill us?"
Lydia gaped holding on tightly to Apollo's arm.
"Who is it?"
Allison asked him.
"It's Derek. Derek Hale."
Scott told them.
Apollo made a sort of choking sound as he silently excused himself from Lydia.
He grabbed Scott's arm pulling him away from the group.
"Are you kidding me? Derek freaking Hale who's trying to help you!"
Apollo exclaimed in a whisper hitting Scott on the arm.
"Ow! Derek is dead, the alpha got him before we came in here."
Scott told Apollo quickly seeing the panic on the huntsman's face. 
Apollo asked in a shaky whisper his heart skipping a beat.
"Derek's dead?"
Scott gave a weak nod as Apollo sighed running a hand over his face.
Apollo mumbled wandering back over to Lydia.
"Call the cops."
Jackson told them with a shrug, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Stiles shook his head looking at Jackson as if he was stupid.
Which he was most of the time.
"What do you mean 'no?'"
Jackson squinted at the boy.
"I mean no, wanna hear it in Spanish? No."
Stiles put emphasis on the 'O' as Apollo chuckled.
"I'm calling."
Lydia shook her head pulling out her phone.
"Lyds no."
Apollo shook his head grabbing the girl's hand.
"Hi I'm at Beacon Hills high school and- she hung up on me."
Lydia gaped looking down at her phone.
"She said they got a tip warning them that there are going to be prank calls about a break in at the school. They said if I call again they're gonna have me arrested."
Lydia's eyes were wide.
Apollo shook his head rubbing the girl's shoulder in comfort.
"Is he the one who sent us the texts?"
Apollo asked Scott, referring back to the killer.
"I don't know."
Scott shook his head.
Apollo rolled his eyes grabbing Stiles by the hand and pushing Scott to the corner of the room.
"Okay first of all, way to go throwing Derek under the bus. I'll be holding that over your head for a long time."
Apollo glared at the puppy eyed boy.
"I didn't know what to say! And if he's dead it doesn't matter- unless he's not."
Scott sighed seeing the flaw in his plan.
"Don't worry he'll get over it. Bigger issue here, how do we get out alive?"
Stiles asked his best friend.
"We are alive. It could've killed us already, it's like it's cornering us or something."
Scott furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to think.
In that small moment of silence Apollo realized he and Stiles were still holding hands.
"So what he wants to eat us all at the same time?"
Stiles questioned.
"No, Derek said it wants revenge."
Scott told them.
"Against who?"
Apollo asked in confusion.
"Your family?"
Scott guessed as it hit Apollo.
The boy closed his eyes in anger as he remembered his psychotic aunt.
"That'd be my best bet."
Apollo sighed running a hand through his hair.
The boy was so stressed he almost missed Stiles squeezing his hand in comfort.
"Okay asshats new plan. Stiles why don't you call your useless dad and-"
Apollo quickly picked his bow and arrows off the ground pulling it back and aiming it at Jackson.
"Apollo what the hell?"
Jackson gaped.
"We're all stressed here Jackson so why don't you shut up and sit down and let the grown ups talk."
Apollo seethed at the boy, not in the mood for his childish behavior.
Jackson gulped taking a step back to lean against the wall.
"Oh my god."
Lydia gaped as the teens heard something outside the door.
"The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell."
Stiles rambled out.
"Which only goes up."
Scott sighed.
"Up is better then here."
Apollo told them throwing his bow over his shoulder.
"Jackson how many people can fit in your car?"
Scott asked.
"Five if someone can squeeze in someone else's lap."
"Five? Ally and I can barley fit in the back."
Apollo snorted.
"It doesn't matter. There's no way we're getting out without drawing attention."
Stiles sighed running a hand over his buzzcut hair.
"What about this? It leads to the parking lot in seconds?"
Scott asked pointing to the window.
"It's a deadbolt. The janitor has a key."
Apollo told them.
"You mean his body has a key."
Stiles shrugged as Apollo gave him a fake glare.
"I'm getting the key."
Scott decided with a determined nod.
"I'll distract him."
Apollo sighed taking his bow back in his hand as he made his way to the door.
"What? Apollo no!"
Scott grabbed the boy's hand eyes wide.
"Don't worry pup, I'll be back."
Apollo winked with a smirk before running into the hall.
"H-Holy shit."
Apollo gaped seeing the giant alpha.
He quickly pulled back his bow letting an arrow fly into its shoulder.
It let out a loud growl as it snarled at Apollo.
"You wanna go? Let's go you mutt."
Apollo hissed firing another arrow.
Apollo mumbled as he took off running around the halls trying to lead the alpha away from his friends.
Apollo slid on the ground as he made a sharp turn sending the wolf straight into the wall.
Apollo took out a knife throwing it as it lodged itself into the wolf's leg.
"It's just makes him angrier."
Apollo grumbled to himself in disbelief.
As Apollo ran he took out his phone looking down at the caller ID.
"Kinda busy Scott."
Apollo sighed backing up against the wall as he became cornered by the alpha.
"Where are you Apollo? The police are here."
Scott told him quickly.
"I-I don't know but I'm stuck."
Apollo breathed out as he felt the alphas breath on his face.
"Apollo don't move."
Apollo squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his hands shaking.
Although the huntsman was very brave he was still just a teenager, a teenager who was not ready to die.
"He's right in front of me."
Apollo hoarsely whispered out in a shaky voice.
Apollo jumped at the voice, opening his eyes to see Derek down the hall.
The alpha growled turning away from Apollo.
"Now we're even."
Derek smirked as the alpha began to chase him.
Leaving Apollo to shakily wander out of the school, wrapping Allison and Lydia in a tight hug.

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