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"Happy birthday, and killer party Lyds,"Apollo smiled, kissing the girl on the forehead

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"Happy birthday, and killer party Lyds,"
Apollo smiled, kissing the girl on the forehead.
"Drink up."
Lydia smirked, pouring a glass of punch down Apollo's throat.
Apollo's eyes widened as he gulped down the liquid, ready to question Lydia only to find her nowhere in sight.
Apollo furrowed his eyebrows, looking around.
Instead of finding the strawberry blonde his eyes settled on a blonde.
"Oh nephew, if only you were better."
Kate grinned standing in front of Apollo.
The huntsman gaped, shoving her away and looking at the bodies on the floor.
Allison had an arrow through her stomach, Scott had a bullet in his head.
Apollo cried, resting his hands on the man's chest.
Apollo shouted in tears.
The hunter's eyes drifted over another body, his heart dropping.
Apollo shouted, hands over the boy's heart where the arrow was buried.
"Your turn nephew."
Kate aimed her gun at his head and pulled the trigger.
But instead of dying like Apollo expected, all the bodies disappeared.
Suddenly everyone was back and dancing while Apollo gasped for breath.
"Apollo, Apollo!"
The Argent boy turned, coming face to face with his twin.
"We have to go something happened."

"No! No! Dad no!"
Allison shouted as she and Apollo entered the hospital.
Chris shook his head sadly.
"If this some kind of sick training session you better tell me!"
Allison sobbed.
Apollo watched wordlessly as she sobbed into their father's arms.
"What happened? What happened?"
Allison sobbed, people stopping to look at the scene.
Apollo merely shook his head, his face completely blank.
"What are you doing? Why don't you care?"
Allison screamed, shoving back Apollo roughly.
"It's hard to grieve someone you never knew."
"She was our mother you dick!"
Allison sobbed, Chris hurriedly wrapping her in his arms.
"She was our mother."
Allison sobbed.
Without another word Apollo made his way out of the hospital, not a thought on his mind.
No sadness or anger.
It scared them that he felt nothing for his mother's death, but like he said.
You cannot grieve someone you never knew.

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