A-204: A twisted Freshman Year

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  • Dedicated to To the class that caught my attention: I-Matthew


Any kid in the world would exchange all their money and even their parents only to be in the place of the Smith siblings. Why, because their heirs to a world renowned company, 'The Smith Industry'. It has condominiums, apartment buildings and hotels built all over the world. Airports worlwide and most importantly the cars they sell. From Luzury to sports cars to race cars, name it and they have it. All in all, the Smiths are one of the richest people in the entire world!!!

The heirs to the company are Jason Smith and Sophie Smith. The luckiest kids in the entire world. They can have anything they want without a whine and most imortantly every papparazzi in the entire world wants them in the cover of their issues. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But, your dead WRONG!!

So, I'll start my story with a hectic strawbery blond babe with the most charming smile, Madison 'Maddie' Parkinson...

She's running for  her life, I mean litterally, if the heiress is late for her classes shes the one that'll be blamed not the heiress. So, Maddie took a deep breath and knocked on the heiress' bedroom door, only to see, the heiress' curled-up in a ball, fast asleep. Her straight brown hair scattered on her pillow, her amazing blue-ish green eyes closed and with a small line of drool on her mouth. That's the heiress, Sophie Smith. She looked so, peaceful that it hurts her to wake the heiress' up, but she have a job to do.

"Miss, its tie to wake-up" Maddie said, poking the heiress

the heiress just groaned.

"Miss, you've got classes today and none of them will bw finished if you just sleep all day." Maddie said poking the girl some more.

The heiress finally sat-up and opened her eyes, to reveal amazing blue-ish green eyes that people always wanted. The heiress glared at Maddie, the glare people are afraid of, it didn't do any damage to Maddie. She just smiled and handed the heiress her breakfast and schedule.

"What's this?" Sophie asked, glaring at the note under her schedule

"It's from your parents. They want to talk to you." Maddie explained


"I don't know. Please get dressed, Miss, Coach is waiting for you at the dojo." Maddie said sweetly

"Ugh!" is the only thing Sophie replied and layed on her bed, popping her gummi bears.


Thank you!! Merci !!! Please, wait for the other chapter..

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