Chapter twenty

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His name is Kai. That is cool. Nice. He is is a dancer, brilliant. And he is in exo, good for him. He has been coming round once a week to give Jennie 'fashion advice.' Due to the fact Jennie already consults with a stylist from our company, everyone has seen right through them.

I mean, holding hands in the middle of the reception area is a bit too daring for an idol in training. Most members of staff just completely ignore them, some managers even letting them slip by completely undetected. Even YG, the absolute king of 'if you date you die,' has turned a blind eye to this ticking time bomb.

Honestly, it is exhausting to pretend I do not know the most obvious secret this girl has. Still, this cereal is not going to eat itself.

Lisa takes the seat next to me, "Pass the box."

I frown, "What's wrong with you?"

"Jennie slammed the main door at three in the morning," She begins to pour cereal into her bowl, "I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards."

"Why was she coming in at 3am?" I begin to chew on a mouthful.

"Fashion lesson."

I choke on my cereal, that is the last thing I want to think about first thing in the morning. Jennie getting all sweet eyes with some guy from a rival company,is dis- perfectly fine and I do not have a problem with it. Come on, this is what Rosie was getting at.

"Jisoo are you okay?" Lisa puts a hand on my back.

"Yeah, sorry, some milk went down the wrong pipe," I laugh nervously.

"Be careful," My younger orders, "I can't be half asleep and save your life."

I smile, "Whatever."

"What do you think they talk about anyway?" She pours her milk.


"Jennie and Kai, do they just sit in a meeting room and discuss the different ways you can cuff jeans? I mean, it's fashion, how much can you talk about?" She begins to eat her cereal.

I giggle. Nothing can faze her, no one will ever stop Lisa from completely ignoring signals and signs that are right in front of her.


I get up from my seat and begin to walk to the sink, "Yeah."

"When are you going to tell Jennie you're gay?"

I drop my bowl. So now everyone is smarter than me? The one thing I have, am I that obvious? Carefully, I pick up my bowl and put it in the sink, we really need a dish washer. We are low on soap? I better get more soap.

I turn to face her, "What are you talking about?"

"Rosie told me," She declares, "Don't lie to me."

Rosie, of course she did. I take Lisa's bowl and put it in the sink with mine, "I'm not going to tell Jennie anything."

"Why not?"

"Why don't you do the dishes?" I am a few seconds away from throwing her spoon at her.

She raises her hands, "Okay okay, I just think that miscommunication is bad for the team."

"What team?" I interrogate, holding the spoon like a weapon.

"Team YG, come on Jisso you can't be this out of it," She smirks.

"Fair enough," I turn away from her and continue to wash the dishes, "Why are you so confident anyway?"

"Oh? No reason," Her voice trails, she seems to be distracted, "Morning-"

"Hey," A monotone voice interrupts, "What's for breakfast?"

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