Giant Save

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After Ant-man and the Wasp, after infinity war part 2.  Because I have no idea what's going to happen with part 2, I'm going to assume that most of the characters are still alive :)

My writing is pretty choppy. I don't consider myself a good writer but I like little stories and snippets. Some of it is just meant to be fun and to explore what Hope's relationship with Scott and the other avengers might look like.

Since Germany, Hope couldn't help but hold a grudge against Steve Rogers.  It was ridiculous, she knew, but seemed as though he cared for everyone who fought alongside him in Germany. 

Everyone except Scott. 

'Cap' was a mere stranger to Scott, and Scott sacrificed everything for him.  His family, his job, his relationship with Hope and Hank, and his own freedom. She blamed Rogers for the rift created between her and Scott.  The rift that, although she filled her mind with thoughts of anger and resentment, hurt her with sorrow deep in her heart.  Even now, as she was reunited with him, it still hurt her.  Even after coming back from disintegration. 

It was only a few months after Hope and Scott were finally  reunited, finally safe, that Scott proposed to Hope.  She remembered how his voice cracked into a whisper as he knelt in front of her, ring in his hand.  "We've lost too much time," he said.  "I don't want to waste another moment." 

She hadn't been this happy, this emotional, since she rescued her mother from the quantum realm.  She cried yes without hesitation.  Two months later, they were married. 

Three weeks later

Hope had been fighting for hours.  Her muscles burned with fatigue, her suit clung to her sweaty skin.  Hundreds of feet in the sky, her husband fought on the alien carrier that continued to ascend. 

They were in Wakanda, fighting off an alien race that was attracted to the high concentration of vibranium on the planet.  They stole about a ton of it, with the intention to use it to build weaponry.  After which, they would return to conquer earth.  They were vicious, merciless creatures, and had already murdered many citizens of Wakanda.  They were humanoid, with red skin that oozed with venomous secretions.  Everyone was here.  T'Challa, king of Wakanda, Thor, Bucky, Strange, everyone.  After attempting to keep the attackers at bay, they were just beginning their escape with a sample of the vibranium.  Scott, Peter, and Rhodes managed to get on or near the ship. 

"Rhodes, what's going on?" Hope heard Cap say over the radio.  "You've gotta get that ship back down here!"

Hope heard the sounds of blasting and fighting echoing within the chambers of the ship.  "We're tryin', Cap!  I'm fighting my way through to the power system."

Hope round-house kicked one of the aliens in the face before shrinking.  Panting, she steadied herself on her tiny wings long enough to watch the ascending spacecraft. 

"Scott, are you okay up there?" she asked.  After a few moments of static and the sounds of fighting, she heard the familiar voice of her husband and partner. 

"I'm okay, Hope," he grunted.  "Man, I'm tired."

"Just hang on, Lang," Cap said. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Hope saw the gleam of Tony's armor flying into the air, on his way to provide help on the ship.  The ship, however, had stopped flying higher into the air.  The aliens on the ground had been defeated.  As Cap gave the all-clear, Hope returned to full size, finally having a chance to catch her breath.  She flipped a switch on her suit, and her helmet flung back away from her head.  She watched the ship as it suddenly began to smoke.  Her eyes widened, and her breath was caught in her throat. 

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